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Attention (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


This encyclopedia entry is in preparation.

Related publications (20)

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Benedetti G. (2011) The Semantics of the Fundamental Elements of Language in Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Work. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 213–219. https://constructivist.info/6/2.213

Bruineberg J. P. & Van den Herik J. C. (2021) Embodying mental affordances. Inquiry, Latest articles. https://cepa.info/7976

Calise S. G. (2021) Give me an operation and i will give you a system: The psychic in Luhmann’s theory. In: Dahms H. F. (ed.) Society in flux (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 37)Emerald, Bingley: 193–215. https://cepa.info/8062

Carruthers P. (2017) The illusion of conscious thought. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24(9–10): 228–252. https://cepa.info/7364

Clark A. (2013) Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36(3): 181–204. https://cepa.info/7285

Davis J. H. & Thompson E. (2014) From the Five Aggregates to Phenomenal Consciousness: Toward a Cross-Cultural Cognitive Science. In: Steven Emmaneul (ed.) A Companion to Buddhist PhilosophyJohn Wiley & Sons, Hoboken NJ: 585–597. https://cepa.info/2340

Depraz N. (2013) An Experiential Phenomenology of Novelty: The Dynamic Antinomy of Attention and Surprise. Constructivist Foundations 8(3): 280-287. https://constructivist.info/8/3.280

Druzhinin A. S. (2020) Construction of Irreality: An Enactive-Constructivist Stance on Counterfactuals. Constructivist Foundations 16(1): 69–80. https://constructivist.info/16/1.69

Farb N. A., Segal Z. V., Mayberg H., Bean J., McKeon D., Fatima Z. & Anderson A. (2007) Attending to the present: Mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2(4): 313–322. https://cepa.info/6929

Friston K. & Frith C. (2015) A duet for one. Consciousness and Cognition 36: 390–405. https://cepa.info/5877

Garrison K. A., Scheinost D., Worhunksy P. D., Elwafi H. M., Thornhill IV T. A., Thompson E., Clifford Saron , Gaëlle Desbordes , Hedy Kober , Michelle Hampson , Gray J. R. R. T. C., Xenephon Papademtris & Brewer J. A. (2013) Real-Time fMRI Links Subjective Experience with Brain Activity During Focused Attention,. Neuroimage 81: 110–118. https://cepa.info/2339

Hutto D. D., Kirchhoff M. D. & Abrahamson D. (2015) The enactive roots of STEM: Rethinking educational design in mathematics. Educational Psychology Review 27(3): 371–389. https://cepa.info/5075

Parini P. (2011) Ernst von Glasersfeld and the Italian Operational School: Didactic Implications of Operational Awareness. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 140–149. https://constructivist.info/6/2.140

Parr T. & Friston K. J. (2017) The active construction of the visual world. Neuropsychologia 104: 92–101. https://cepa.info/5878

Schiavio A. & Høffding S. (2015) Playing together without communicating? A pre-reflective and enactive account of joint musical performance. Musicae Scientiae 19(4): 366–388. https://cepa.info/6123

Steffe L. P. (2007) Radical Constructivism: A Scientific Research Program. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 41–49. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.41

Van Den Herik J. C. (2018) Attentional actions – An ecological–enactive account of utterances of concrete words. Psychology of Language and Communication 22(1): 90–123. https://cepa.info/7981

Wagemann J. & Raggatz J. (2021) First-Person dimensions of mental agency in visual counting of moving objects. Cognitive Processing 22(3): 453–473. https://cepa.info/8757

Wagemann J. (2023) Voluntary auditory change: First-person access to agentive aspects of attention regulation. Current Psychology 42: 15169–15185. https://cepa.info/8756