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Cognition (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Damiano L. & Luisi P. L. (2010) Towards an autopoietic redefinition of life. Origin of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 40(2): 145–149. https://cepa.info/2689

Damiano L. & Stano P. (2018) Synthetic biology and artificial intelligence: Grounding a cross-disciplinary approach to the synthetic exploration of (embodied) cognition. Complex Systems 27: 199–228. https://cepa.info/7614

Damiano L. & Stano P. (2021) A wetware embodied AI? Towards an autopoietic organizational approach grounded in synthetic biology. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9: 724023. https://cepa.info/7615

Danielyan N. (2017) Constructivism representatives about cognition process. Philosophy 7(2): 75–86. https://cepa.info/8228

Day M. (2009) Constructing religion without the social: Durkheim, Latour, and extended cognition. Zygon 44(3): 719–737. https://cepa.info/8426

De Jaegher H. & Di Paolo E. (2007) Participatory sense-making: An enactive approach to social cognition. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6(4): 485–507. https://cepa.info/2387

De Jaegher H. & Di Paolo E. (2007) Participatory sensemaking. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6(4): 485–507. https://cepa.info/5063

De Jaegher H. & Froese T. (2009) On the role of social interaction in individual agency. Adaptive Behavior 17(5): 444–460. https://cepa.info/4717

De Jaegher H. (2021) Loving and knowing: Reflections for an engaged epistemology. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Science 20(5): 847–870. https://cepa.info/7689

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Dierckxsens G. & Bergmann L. T. (2022) Enactive ethics and hermeneutics: From bodily normativity to critical ethics. Topoi 41(2): 299–312. https://cepa.info/7694

Dove G. (2024) How to build a better 4E cognition. Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(3–4), 104–105. https://cepa.info/9250

Drayson Z. (2009) Embodied cognitive science and its implications for psychopathology.. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 16(4): 329–340. https://cepa.info/7846

Duijzer C., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. H. A. M., Veldhuis M., Doorman M. & Leseman P. (2019) Embodied learning environments for graphing motion: A systematic literature review. Educational Psychology Review 31: 597–629. https://cepa.info/7985

Enslin M. (2013) Listening and Unentitled. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20(1–2): 23–29. https://cepa.info/3378

Etxeberria A., Merelo J. J. & Moreno A. (1994) Studying organisms with basic cognitive capacities in artificial worlds. Cognitiva 3(2): 203–218. https://cepa.info/3929

Fabry R. E. (2017) Transcending the evidentiary boundary: Prediction error minimization, embodied interaction, and explanatory pluralism. Philosophical Psychology 30: 395–414. https://cepa.info/7848

Fedulov I. N. & Khudobina O. F. (2017) О радикальности конструирования в «радикальном конструктивизме» [About the radicalism of construction in “radical constructivism”]. Science Journal of Volgograd State University: Philosophy. Sociology and Social Technologies 16(1): 36–44. https://cepa.info/8069

Feiten T. E. (2020) Mind after Uexküll: A foray into the worlds of ecological psychologists and enactivists. Frontiers in Psychology 11: 480. https://cepa.info/6628

Fiebich A. (2019) Second workshop on enactive approaches to mind in health and disease. Adaptive Behavior 27(3): 181–182. https://cepa.info/6111

Foerster H. von (1996) Wahrnehmen oder Falschnehmen. In: Doering W., Doering W., Dose G. & Stadelmann M. (eds.) Sinn und Sinne im DialogBorgmann, Dortmund: 115–130. https://cepa.info/2638

Foerster H. von (1997) L’arte dell apprendimento. Pluriverso 2(2): 79–86. https://cepa.info/2660

Foerster H. von (1998) Sistemica Elemental Desde Un Punto De Vista Superior. Fonda Editorial Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia. https://cepa.info/2667

Foerster H. von (1998) Über Bewußtsein, Gedächtnis, Sprache, Magie und andere unbegreifliche Alltäglichkeiten. In: Bibliothek der Feldenkrais-Gilde e.V. Nr. 11Feldenkrais-Gilde, Munich: 4–23. https://cepa.info/2666

Foerster H. von (1998) Über Perzeption: Eine Sokalogische Abhandlung in vier Abschnitten. Tumult 23: 81–85. https://cepa.info/2663

Foerster H. von (1999) Tesseract; Triviale und Nicht-Triviale Maschinen,; Objektivität; H.V.F. Theorem 2; Order from Noise; Kybernetik. In: Schmidt A. P. (ed.) Der Wissensnavigator: Das Lexikon der ZukunftDeutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart: 13; 103; 108; 25. https://cepa.info/2674

Foerster H. von (ed.) (1995) Cybernetics of cybernetics. Second edition. Future Systems Inc., Minneapolis. https://cepa.info/1774

Frith E., Miller S. & Loprinzi P. D. (2020) A review of experimental research on embodied creativity: Revisiting the mind–body connection. The Journal of Creative Behavior 54(4): 767–798. https://cepa.info/8122

Froese T. & Di Paolo E. (2011) The enactive approach: Theoretical sketches from cell to society. Pragmatics and Cognition 19(1): 1–36. https://cepa.info/2367

Froese T. & Di Paolo E. A. (2009) Sociality and the life–mind continuity thesis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8(4): 439–463. https://cepa.info/4460

Froese T. & Fuchs T. (2012) The extended body: A case study in the neurophenomenology of social interaction. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11: 205–235. https://cepa.info/2389

Froese T. & Gallagher S. (2012) Getting interaction theory (IT) together: Integrating developmental, phenomenological, enactive, and dynamical approaches to social interaction. Interaction Studies 13(3): 436–468. https://cepa.info/2368

Froese T. (2012) From adaptive behavior to human cognition: A review of Enaction. Adaptive Behavior 20: 209–221. https://cepa.info/4738

Froese T. (2023) Irruption theory: A novel conceptualization of the enactive account of motivated activity. Entropy 25(5): 748. https://cepa.info/8412

Froese T., Woodward A. & Ikegami T. (2013) Turing instabilities in biology, culture, and consciousness? On the enactive origins of symbolic material culture. Adaptive Behavior 21(3): 199–214. https://cepa.info/6358

Gahrn-Andersen R. & Prinz R. (2023) Ensuring wholeness: Using Code Biology to overcome the autonomy-heteronomy divide. Biosystems 226: 104874. https://cepa.info/8474

Gallagher S. & Allen M. (2018) Active inference, enactivism and the hermeneutics of social cognition. Synthese 195(6): 2627–2648. https://cepa.info/4222

Gallagher S. & Miyahara K. (2012) Neo-pragmatism and enactive intentionality. In: Schulkin J. (ed.) Action, perception and the brain: Adaptation and cephalic expressionPalgrave Macmillan, London: 117–146. https://cepa.info/7355

Gallagher S. (2008) Direct perception in the intersubjective context. Consciousness and Cognition 17(2): 535–543. https://cepa.info/5645

Gallagher S. (2016) Intercorporeity: Enaction, simulation, and the science of social cognition. In: Reynolds J. & Sebold R. (eds.) Phenomenology and sciencePalgrave Macmillan, New York: 161–179. https://cepa.info/6193

Gallagher S. (2018) Decentering the Brain: Embodied Cognition and the Critique of Neurocentrism and Narrow-Minded Philosophy of Mind. Constructivist Foundations 14(1): 8–21. https://constructivist.info/14/1.8

Gallagher S. (2023) Embodied and enactive approaches to cognition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. https://cepa.info/8721

Garland E. L. (2007) The meaning of mindfulness: A second-order cybernetics of stress, metacognition, and coping. Complementary Health Practice Review 12(1): 15. https://cepa.info/4098

Gash H. (2011) Society, ethics and constructivism. In: Lasker G. E. & Hassard Frank R. (eds.) Strategic planning for the futureInternational Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Tecumseh Ontario Canada: 1–5. https://cepa.info/2922

Gash H. (2016) Zen and constructivist thinking. In: Lasker G. E. & Hiwaki K. (eds.) Personal and spiritual development in the world of cultural diversity. Vol XIIIInternational Institute for Advanced Studies, Tecumseh Ontario: 23–27. https://cepa.info/2692

Gash H. (2018) Constructivism and mysticism. In: Lasker G. E. (ed.) Personal and spiritual development in the world of cultural diversity. Volume XVInternational Institute for Advanced Studies, Tecumseh ON: 7–11. https://cepa.info/5523

Gash H. (2019) Constructivism and Mystical Experience. Constructivist Foundations 15(1): 1–9. https://constructivist.info/15/1.1

Georgeon O. L. & Ritter F. E. (2012) An intrinsically-motivated schema mechanism to model and simulate emergent cognition. Cognitive Systems Research 15–16: 73–92. https://cepa.info/5028

Georgeon O., Mille A. & Gay S. (2016) Intelligence artificielle sans données ontologiques sur une réalité presupposée [Artificial intelligence without using ontological data about a presupposed reality]. Intellectica 65: 143–168. https://cepa.info/3662

Georgeon O., Mille A. & Gay S. (2016) Intelligence artificielle sans données ontologiques sur une réalité présupposée [Artificial intelligence without using ontological data about a presupposed reality]. Intellectica 65: 143–168. https://cepa.info/5025

Glanville R. (1990) “Sed quis custodient ipsos custodes?”. In: Heylighen F., Rosseel E & Demeyere F. (eds.) Self-steering and cognition in complex systemsGordon and Breach, London: 107–112. https://cepa.info/8523

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Glasersfeld E. von & Varela F. J. (1985) Problems of knowledge and cognizing organisms. Aprendizagem/Desenvolvimento (Learning and Development) 2(6): 17–23. https://cepa.info/1379

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Glasersfeld E. von (1991) Abstraction, re-presentation, and reflection. In: Steffe L. P. (ed.) Epistemological foundations of mathematical experienceSpringer, New York: 45–67. https://cepa.info/1418

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Glasersfeld E. von (1993) Reflections on number and counting. In: Boysen S. T. & Capaldi E. J. (eds.) The development of numerical ability: Animal and human modelsErlbaum, Hillsdale: 225–243. https://cepa.info/1440

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Das Hervorbringen von Wissen und Wirklichkeit. In: Heines K.-D. (ed.) Menschsein in unserer Zeit – Der Zeitgeist auf dem Prüfstand. Stiftung DrHeines, Bremen: 107–117. https://cepa.info/1458

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Radical constructivism: A way of knowing and learning. Falmer Press, London. https://cepa.info/1462

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Sensory experience, abstraction, and teaching. In: Steffe L. P. & Gale J. (eds.) Constructivism in educationErlbaum, Hillsdale: 369–383. https://cepa.info/1461

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Anticipation in the constructivist theory of cognition. In: Dubois D. M. (ed.) Computing anticipatory systemsAmerican Institute of Physics, Woodbury NY: 38–47. https://cepa.info/1496

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Die Radikal-Konstruktivistische Wissenstheorie. Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften 9(4): 503–511. https://cepa.info/1500

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) A model for the construction of elementary concepts. In: Dubois D. M. (ed.) Computing anticipatory systemsAmerican Institute of Physics, Woodbury NY: 45–52. https://cepa.info/1504

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