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Communication (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (101)

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Geyer F. (1992) Autopoiesis and social systems – 1. International Journal of General Systems 21(2): 175–183. https://cepa.info/2812

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Glasersfeld E. von & Lochhead J. (1995) La formation d’une communauté scientifique à l’age de l’électronique. In: Giordan A., Martinand J.-L. & Raichvarg D. (eds.) Que savons-nous des savoirs scienitifiques et techniques? Proceedings of the 17th international meeting on communication, education, and the scientific and industrial cultures, 1995Centre Jean Franco, Chamonix: 47–50. https://cepa.info/1466

Glasersfeld E. von & Silverman P. (1976) Man-machine understanding. Communications of the Association of Computer Machinery 19(10): 586–587. https://cepa.info/1330

Glasersfeld E. von (1974) Signs, communication, and language. Journal of Human Evolution 3: 465–474. https://cepa.info/1322

Glasersfeld E. von (1977) Comunicare con un scimpanze. In: Istituto di Psicologia CNR (ed.) Problemi attuali di psicologiaBulzoni, Rome: 145–158. https://cepa.info/1339

Glasersfeld E. von (1990) Environment and communication. In: Steffe L. P. & Wood T. (eds.) Transforming children’s mathematics education: International perspectivesLawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale NJ: 30–38. https://cepa.info/1290

Glasersfeld E. von (1993) Warum sprechen wir, und die Schimpansen nicht? [Why do we speak, and chimpanzees do not?]. In: Hosp I. (ed.) Sprachen des Menschen, Sprache der Dinge [Languages of mankind, language of things]Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bolzano: 53–61. https://cepa.info/1444

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Wiener’s insight into communication. Kybernetes 23(6/7): 21–22. https://cepa.info/1454

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Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Radical constructivism: A way of knowing and learning. Falmer Press, London. https://cepa.info/1462

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Glasersfeld E. von (1999) How do we mean? A constructivist sketch of semantics (Special issue "Radical Constructivism in education" edited by Marie Larochelle). Cybernetics & Human Knowing 6(1): 9–16. https://cepa.info/1508

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Graf H. (2012) Examining garden blogs as a communication system. International Journal of Communication 6: 2758–2779. https://cepa.info/1132

Hejl P. M. (2011) The Individual in Radical Constructivism. Some Critical Remarks from an Evolutionary Perspective. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 227–234. https://constructivist.info/6/2.227

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Hoffjann O. (2013) Public Relations: Between Omnipotence and Impotence. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 227–234. https://constructivist.info/8/2.227

Hoffjann O. (2017) Die Wahrheitsspieler. Strategische Kommunikation als Spiel. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 59–72. https://cepa.info/5346

Karafillidis A. (2013) Comment: Socializing a Calculus: The Emergence of a Theory of Social Forms and a. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20(3–4): 108–141. https://cepa.info/3447

Kenny V. (2014) Continuous Dialogues IV: Viability and Learning. Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Answers to a Wide Variety of Questioners on the Oikos Web Site 1997-2010. Constructivist Foundations 9(2): 283–292. https://constructivist.info/9/2.283

Klenk M. (2013) Comment: The Form of Expectation Considerations on Social Structure. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20(3–4): 173–187. https://cepa.info/3543

Kravchenko A. (2007) Essential properties of language or why language is not a code. Language Sciences 29: 650–671. https://cepa.info/5651

Krippendorff K. (1996) A second-order cybernetics of otherness. Systems Research 13(3): 311–328. https://cepa.info/4817

Kronsted C., Gallagher S., Tollefsen D. & Windsor L. (2023) An enactivist account of the dynamics of lying. Adaptive Behavior 32(1): 3–16. https://cepa.info/8366

Kull K. (2003) Thomas A. Sebeok and biology: Building biosemiotics. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 10(1): 47–60. https://cepa.info/3224

Lenartowicz M., Weinbaum D. & Braathen P. (2016) The individuation of social systems: A cognitive framework. Procedia Computer Science 88: 15–20. https://cepa.info/4759

Luhmann N. (2001) Notes on the project “Poetry and Social Theory”. Theory, Culture & Society 18(1): 15–27. https://cepa.info/6293

Morus I. R. (2015) Science: Constructivist perspectives, history of. In: Wright J. D. (ed.) International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. Second edition. Volume 21Elsevier, Amsterdam: 225–228. https://cepa.info/5869

Märtsin M. (2007) Self and other in communication and cognition: The role of auto-communication and intersubjectivity in autopoiesis of psychic systems. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 42(2): 208–211. https://cepa.info/7018

Nizami L. (2010) Interpretation of Absolute Judgments Using Information Theory. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 17(1–2): 111–155. https://cepa.info/3502

Ofner F. (2008) Action and Discourse. Some Thoughts Concerning a Non-dualizing Conception of Experience. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 148–152. https://constructivist.info/3/3.148

Ofner F. (2013) Some Ideas towards a Non-dualism-Compatible Theory of Science. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 166–172. https://constructivist.info/8/2.166

Ottermann R. (2005) Review essay: Constructivism is the invention of a critic. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum Qualitative Social Research 6(3): 42. https://cepa.info/7873

Palmaru R. (2012) Making Sense and Meaning: On the Role of Communication and Culture in the Reproduction of Social Systems. Constructivist Foundations 8(1): 63-75. https://constructivist.info/8/1.63

Palmaru R. (2016) Constructivism as a Key Towards Further Understanding of Communication, Culture and Society. Constructivist Foundations 12(1): 30–38. https://constructivist.info/12/1.30

Pörksen B. (2006) Digital Distinctions: An Analytical Method for the Observation of the WWW and the Emerging Worlds of Communication. Constructivist Foundations 2(1): 17–27. https://constructivist.info/2/1.17

Pörksen B. (2010) Provocations of an Epistemology. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 40–50. https://constructivist.info/6/1.40

Radosavljevic M. (2008) Autopoiesis vs. social autopoiesis: Critical evaluation and implications for understanding firms as autopoietic social systems. International Journal of General Systems 37(2): 215–230. https://cepa.info/3963

Ray T. & Clegg S. (2007) Can We Make Sense of Knowledge Management’s Tangible Rainbow? A Radical Constructivist Alternative. Prometheus 25(2): 161–185. https://cepa.info/5417

Rumbaugh D. M. (2007) Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Contributions to the LANA Project. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 29–31. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.29

Rusch G. (2007) Understanding. The Mutual Regulation of Cognition and Culture. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 118–128. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.118

Schiavio A. & Høffding S. (2015) Playing together without communicating? A pre-reflective and enactive account of joint musical performance. Musicae Scientiae 19(4): 366–388. https://cepa.info/6123

Schmidt S. J. (2011) From Objects to Processes: A Proposal to Rewrite Radical Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 7(1): 1–9 & 37–47. https://constructivist.info/7/1.1

Scholl A. (2002) Einleitung [Introduction]. In: Scholl A. (ed.) Systemtheorie und Konstruktivismus in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Systems theory and constructivism in the study of communication]UVK, Konstanz: 7–18. https://cepa.info/1867

Scholl A. (2010) Radical Constructivism in Communication Science. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 51–57. https://constructivist.info/6/1.51

Schroer S. A. (2021) Jakob von Uexküll: The concept of umwelt and its potentials for an anthropology beyond the human. Ethnos 86(1): 132–152. https://cepa.info/7959

Scott B. (2007) Facilitating organisational change: some sociocybernetic principles. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Organisational Change 4(1): 3–14. https://cepa.info/1795

Scott B. (2011) Heinz von Foerster: contributions to psychology. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 18(3/4): 163–169. https://cepa.info/1789

Sonnenhauser B. (2008) On the linguistic expression of subjectivity. Semiotica 172(1/4): 323–337. https://cepa.info/4524

Sonnenhauser B. (2008) On the linguistic expression of subjectivity: Towards a sign-centered approach. Semiotica 172(1/4): 323–337. https://cepa.info/4801

Steinbring H. (2015) Mathematical interaction shaped by communication, epistemological constraints and enactivism. ZDM Mathematics Education 47(2): 281–293. https://cepa.info/6136

Stewart J. (1995) The implications for understanding high-level cognition of a grounding in elementary adaptive systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16(2–4): 107–116. https://cepa.info/9168

Sweeting B. & Hohl M. (2015) Exploring Alternatives to the Traditional Conference Format: Introduction to the Special Issue on Composing Conferences. Constructivist Foundations 11(1): 1–7. https://constructivist.info/11/1.1

Vanderstraeten R. (2000) Autopoiesis and socialization: On Luhmann’s reconceptualization of communication and socialization. British Journal of Sociology 51(3): 581–598. https://cepa.info/4643

Vanderstraeten R. (2012) Rewriting theory: From autopoiesis to communication. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 29(4): 377–386. https://cepa.info/3665

Vieira T. A. S. (2012) As contribuições da teoria da complexidade e da autopoiese para a Educomunicação [The contributions of complexity theory and autopoiesis to Educommunication]. Revista Açãomidiática – Estudos em Comunicação. Sociedade e Cultura 2(2): 1–11. https://cepa.info/6998

Vollmar B. H. (2013) Economic Theory: A Field for the Application of Non-dualist Thought? A Clarification of Potential Epistemic Benefits. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 216–226. https://constructivist.info/8/2.216

Vowe G. (2017) Theoretische Ansätze als kommunikative Konstruktionen: Optionen und Konsequenzen einer konstruktivistischen Erklärung der Wissenschaftsentwicklung. M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 65(2): 236–251. https://cepa.info/7093

Völker J. & Scholl A. (2014) Do the Media Fail to Represent Reality? A Constructivist and Second-order Critique of the Research on Environmental Media Coverage and Its Normative Implications. Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 140–149. https://constructivist.info/10/1.140

Wahyuni H. I. (2023) Trust, pandemic and communication: An analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic from an autopoietic systems perspective. Kybernetes ahead-of-print. https://cepa.info/9173

Yaroslavtseva E. I. (2022) Постнеклассические практики: Точки роста и опоры в аутопоэзисе человека [Post-nonclassical practices: Points of growth and support in human autopoiesis]. In: Belkin G. L. (ed.) Humanity in a new reality: Global biotechnological challengesKanon+, Moscow: 474–484. https://cepa.info/8020