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Constraints (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


This encyclopedia entry is in preparation.

Related publications (8)

Di Paolo E. A. (1997) An investigation into the evolution of communication. Adaptive Behavior 6(2): 285–324. https://cepa.info/6273

Fernandez J., Moreno A. & Etxeberria A. (1991) Life as emergence: The roots of a new paradigm in theoretical biology. World Futures 32(2–3): 133–149. https://cepa.info/6234

Herr C. M. (2011) The Generous Listener. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 190–192. https://constructivist.info/6/2.190

Hooker C. (2013) On the import of constraints in complex dynamical systems. Foundations of Science 18(4): 757–780. https://cepa.info/5277

Montévil M. & Mossio M. (2015) Biological organisation as closure of constraints. Journal of Theoretical Biology 372: 179–191. https://cepa.info/3629

Mossio M. & Bich L. (2014) La circularité biologique: Concepts et modèles. In: Varenne F., Silberstein M., Dutreuil S. & Huneman P. (eds.) Modéliser et simuler: Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation. Volume 2Editions Matériologiques, Paris: 137–170. https://cepa.info/4490

Steffe L. P. (2010) Consequences of Rejecting Constructivism: “Hold Tight and Pedal Fast”. Commentary on Slezak’s “Radical Constructivism: Epistemology, Education and Dynamite”. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 112–119. https://constructivist.info/6/1.112

Van Bendegem J. P. (2012) A Defense of Strict Finitism. Constructivist Foundations 7(2): 141–149. https://constructivist.info/7/2.141