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Constructivist-approaches (Constructivist Encyclopedia)

Constructivist Approaches

Suggested by Alexander Riegler (2005, 2015), Constructivist Approaches is a generic umbrella term for positions that share most or all of the following ten denominators:
  1. Questioning the Cartesian separation between the objective world and subjective experience
  2. Including the observer in scientific explanations
  3. Rejecting representationalism: knowledge is a system-related cognitive process rather than a mapping of an objective world onto subjective cognitive structures
  4. Defining reality as being brought forth by the subject rather than passively received
  5. Claiming that any reference to a mind-independent reality beyond one’s cognitive horizon is metaphysical speculation
  6. Moving the focus of research from the world that consists of matter to the world that consists of what matters
  7. Defining cognitive systems as self-referential and organizationally closed: They strive for control over their inputs rather than their outputs
  8. Favoring a process-oriented approach rather than a substance-based perspective: Systems are defined by the processes whereby they constitute and maintain their own organization
  9. Defining sociality as accommodation within the framework of social interaction
  10. Asking for an open and less dogmatic approach to science in order to generate the flexibility that is needed to cope with today’s scientific frontiers
^ Versions
Version 1: Alexander Riegler, 2 October 2020
^ References
(R2005)  Riegler A. (2005) Editorial: The constructivist challenge. Constructivist Foundations 1(1): 1–8. https://constructivist.info/1/1/001
(R2015)  Riegler A. (2015) What does the future hold for radical constructivism? In: Raskin J. D., Bridges S. K. & Kahn J. S. (eds.) Studies in meaning 5: Perturbing the status quo in constructivist psychology. Pace University Press, New York: 64–90. https://cepa.info/1285
Related publications (4)

Coll C. (1996) Constructivismo y educación escolar: Ni hablamos siempre de lo mismo ni lo hacemos siempre desde la misma perspectiva epistemológica. [Constructivism and education: We neither speak about the same thing. nor do we it in the same way] Anuario de Psicología 69: 153–178. https://cepa.info/4634

Gash H. & Chocholouskova Z. (2013) A model for promoting constructivist education. In: Lasker G. E., Hiwaki K. & Aydin A. (eds.) Life-long integral education for a viable human futureInternational Institute for Advanced Studies, Tecumseh Ontario: 39–43. https://cepa.info/2185

Gash H. (2009) What You Always Wanted to Know About Constructivist Education... Review of “Constructivist Instruction: Success or Failure?” edited by Sigmund Tobias & Thomas M. Duffy. Constructivist Foundations 5(1): 64–65. https://constructivist.info/5/1.64

Riegler A. (2005) Editorial. The Constructivist Challenge. Constructivist Foundations 1(1): 1–8. https://constructivist.info/1/1.1