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Cybernetics (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (226)

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Aerts D. (2005) Ceci n’est pas Heinz von Foerster. Constructivist Foundations 1(1): 13–18. https://constructivist.info/1/1.13

Agrawalla R. K. (2015) When Newton meets Heinz Von Foerster, complexity vanishes and simplicity reveals. Kybemetes 44(8/9): 1193–1206. https://cepa.info/6256

Alroe H. F. (2016) Three Levels of Semiosis: Three Kinds of Kinds. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(2): 23–38. https://cepa.info/3353

Andrew A. M. (2004) Questions about constructivism. Kybernetes 33(9/10): 1392–1395. https://cepa.info/2628

Andrew A. M. (2005) Artificial neural nets and BCL. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 33–39. https://cepa.info/5168

Anger-Díaz B. (2005) Heinz von Foerster and my brief therapy work at the MRI. Kybernetes 34(3–4): 353–359. https://cepa.info/7358

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Baron P. (2014) Overcoming obstacles in learning cybernetic psychology. Kybernetes 43(9/10): 1301–1309. https://cepa.info/2992

Baron P. (2018) Heterarchical Reflexive Conversational Teaching and Learning as a Vehicle for Ethical Engineering Curriculum Design. Constructivist Foundations 13(3): 309–319. https://constructivist.info/13/3.309

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Brier S. (1996) From second-order cybernetics to cybersemiotics: A semiotic re-entry into the second-order cybernetics of Heinz von Foerster. Systems Research 13(3): 229–244. https://cepa.info/3989

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Brier S. (1998) Cybersemiotics: A transdisciplinary framework for information studies. BioSystems 46: 185–191. https://cepa.info/5331

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Brier S. (2009) Cybersemiotic Pragmaticism and Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 5(1): 19-39. https://constructivist.info/5/1.19

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Cariani P. (2015) Outline of a cybernetic theory of brain function based on neural timing nets. Kybernetes 44(8/9): 1219–1232. https://cepa.info/4141

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Drack M. & Pouvreau D. (2015) On the history of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s “General Systemology”, and on its relationship to cybernetics. Part III: Convergences and divergences. International Journal of General Systems 44(5): 523–571. https://cepa.info/4720

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Elkaïm M. (2005) Observing systems and psychotherapy. What I owe to Heinz von Foerster. Kybernetes 34(3–4): 385–392. https://cepa.info/7478

Espejo R. (2004) The footprint of complexity: The embodiment of social systems. Kybernetes 33(3/4): 671–700. https://cepa.info/6840

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Fischer T. (2016) In Ranulph’s Terms. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(1): 87–97. https://cepa.info/3546

Foerster H. von (ed.) (1995) Cybernetics of cybernetics. Second edition. Future Systems Inc., Minneapolis. https://cepa.info/1774

Franchi S. (2013) Homeostats for the 21st Century? Simulating Ashby Simulating the Brain. Constructivist Foundations 9(1): 93–101. https://constructivist.info/9/1.93

Franchi S., Güzeldere G. & Minch E. (2005) From Vienna to California: A journey across disciplines. An interview with Heinz von Foerster. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 15–32. https://cepa.info/5167

Froese T. (2021) Epilogue to “Questioning Life and Cognition” by John Stewart. Adaptive Behavior: online first. https://cepa.info/7192

Gage S. (2007) How to design a black and white box. Kybernetes 36(9/10): 1329–1339. https://cepa.info/8247

Galuszka F. (2019) The league. World Futures 75(1–2): 29–37. https://cepa.info/6231

García de la Cerda O. (2009) Human re-engineering for action: An enactive educational management program. Kybernetes 38(7/8): 1332–1343. https://cepa.info/6793

Garland E. L. (2007) The meaning of mindfulness: A second-order cybernetics of stress, metacognition, and coping. Complementary Health Practice Review 12(1): 15. https://cepa.info/4098

Gash H. (2023) My experience of Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30(3–4): 59–64. https://cepa.info/8890

Gasparyan D. (2016) Consciousness as Self-Description in Differences. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 539–549. https://constructivist.info/11/3.539

Geyer F. (1992) Autopoiesis and social systems – 1. International Journal of General Systems 21(2): 175–183. https://cepa.info/2812

Geyer F. (2002) The march of self-reference. Kybernetes 31(7/8): 1021–1042. https://cepa.info/4707

Ghosal A. (1999) Second order cybernetics: Implications in real life. Kybernetes 28(4): 377–384. https://cepa.info/3000

Giordano P. M. (2024) The Ontological and Epistemological Influence of Talcott Parsons’s Analytical Realism on Niklas Luhmann’s Operative Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 19(2): 167–178. https://constructivist.info/19/2.167

Glanville R. (1982) Inside every white box there are two black boxes trying to get out. Behavioural Science 12(1): 1–11. https://cepa.info/2365

Glanville R. (1990) “Sed quis custodient ipsos custodes?”. In: Heylighen F., Rosseel E & Demeyere F. (eds.) Self-steering and cognition in complex systemsGordon and Breach, London: 107–112. https://cepa.info/8523

Glanville R. (2001) An observing science. Special Issue “The Impact of Radical Constructivism on Science” edited by Alexander Riegler. Foundations of Science 6(1–3): 45–75. https://cepa.info/3636

Glanville R. (2001) And he was magic. Kybernetes 30(5/6): 652–672. https://cepa.info/6217

Glanville R. (2004) The purpose of second-order cybernetics. Kybernetes 33(9/10): 1379–1386. https://cepa.info/2294

Glanville R. (2008) Second order cybernetics. Revised version. In: Parra-Luna F. (ed.) Systems science and cybernetics. Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCOEolss Publishers, Paris: Web publication. https://cepa.info/2708

Glanville R. (2011) Introduction: A conference doing the cybernetics of cybernetics. Kybernetes 40(7/8): 952–963. https://cepa.info/3039

Glasersfeld E. von & Pisani P. (1970) The Multistore parser for hierarchical syntactic structures. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 13(2): 74–82. https://cepa.info/1309

Glasersfeld E. von & Terzi P. (1965) Automatic English sentence analysis. Final Report. AFOSR Grant AF EOAR 64–54. IDAMI Language Research Section, Milan. https://cepa.info/1301

Glasersfeld E. von & Varela F. J. (1985) Problems of knowledge and cognizing organisms. Aprendizagem/Desenvolvimento (Learning and Development) 2(6): 17–23. https://cepa.info/1379

Glasersfeld E. von (1962) First draft of an English input procedure for mechanical translation. Methodos 14(54): 47–79. https://cepa.info/1295

Glasersfeld E. von (1963) Probleme der maschinellen Übersetzung. Beiträge zur Sprachkunde und Informationsverarbeitung 3: 33–47. https://cepa.info/1297

Glasersfeld E. von (1964) A project for automatic sentence analysis. Beiträge zur Sprachkunde und Informationsverarbeitung 4: 38–46. https://cepa.info/1298

Glasersfeld E. von (1965) Multistore: A procedure for correlational analysis. Automazione e Automatismi 9(2): 5–28. https://cepa.info/1300

Glasersfeld E. von (1976) Cybernetics and cognitive development. Cybernetics Forum 8: 115–120. https://cepa.info/1333

Glasersfeld E. von (1978) Another minor revision, or the disregard for control theory and the analysis of inductive feedback systems. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1(1): 79–80. https://cepa.info/1341

Glasersfeld E. von (1979) Cybernetics, experience, and the concept of self. In: Ozer M. N. (ed.) A cybernetic approach to the assessment of children: Toward a more humane use of human beingsWestview Press, Boulder CO: 67–113. https://cepa.info/1346

Glasersfeld E. von (1981) Declaration of the American Society for Cybernetics. American Society of Cybernetics Newsletter 24: 1–4. https://cepa.info/1355

Glasersfeld E. von (1988) Should cybernetics be useful?. Continuing the Conversation 12: 5. https://cepa.info/1400

Glasersfeld E. von (1988) The cybernetic basis of behavior. Continuing the Conversation 16: 5–6. https://cepa.info/1405

Glasersfeld E. von (1991) Knowing in self-regulating organisms (A constructivist approach). In: Umpleby S. A. & Sadovsky V. N. (eds.) A science of goal formulationHemisphere, New York: 1–8. https://cepa.info/1426

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Wiener’s insight into communication. Kybernetes 23(6/7): 21–22. https://cepa.info/1454

Glasersfeld E. von (1996) Cybernetics and the art of living. Cybernetics and Systems 27(6): 489–497. https://cepa.info/1480

Glasersfeld E. von (1997) A cybernetician before cybernetics. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 14(2): 137–139. https://cepa.info/1486

Glasersfeld E. von (1997) A postscript to Kenneth Boulding. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 14(3): 221–224. https://cepa.info/1490

Glasersfeld E. von (1997) In Memory of a Pioneer, Silvio Ceccato, 1914–1997. Methodologia Working Papers 91. https://cepa.info/1489

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Anticipation in the constructivist theory of cognition. In: Dubois D. M. (ed.) Computing anticipatory systemsAmerican Institute of Physics, Woodbury NY: 38–47. https://cepa.info/1496

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) The cybernetic insights of Jean Piaget. Cybernetics and Systems 30(2): 105–112. https://cepa.info/1503

Glasersfeld E. von (2000) Reflections on cybernetics. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 7(1): 93–95. https://cepa.info/1519

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Remembering Gordon Pask. Kybernetes 30(7/8): 970. https://cepa.info/1537

Glasersfeld E. von (2002) Cybernetics and the theory of knowledge. In: UNESCO Encyclopedia, Section on System Science and CyberneticsEolss Publishers, Oxford UK. https://cepa.info/1542

Glasersfeld E. von (2003) Foreword. In: Butz M. V., Olivier S. & Gérard P. (eds.) Anticipatory behavior in adaptive systems: Foundations, theories and systemsSpringer, Berlin: v-vi. https://cepa.info/1545

Glasersfeld E. von (2005) Informationsübertragung, Konzeptuelle Semantik, Kybernetik, Objektivität, Wissen als Konstruk, Zeitkonzept. In: Tsvasman L. R. (ed.) Das große Lexikon, Medien und KommunikationErgon, Würzburg: 145, 211, 212, 2. https://cepa.info/1557

Glasersfeld E. von (2005) Preface: Founder of the second order. Kybernetes 34(3/4): 319–320. https://cepa.info/1556

Glasersfeld E. von, Burns J., Pisani P., Notarmarco B. & Dutton B. (1966) Automatic English sentence analysis. Final Report. AFOSR Grant 65–76. IDAMI Language Research Section, Milan. https://cepa.info/1304

Halsall F. (2012) Niklas Luhmann and the body. The New Bioethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body 18(1): 4–20. https://cepa.info/4751

Hayles N. K. & Pulizzi J. J. (2010) Narrating consciousness: Language, media and embodiment. History of the Human Sciences 23(3): 131–148. https://cepa.info/6291

Herr C. M. & Fischer T. (2013) Systems for Showing and Repurposing: A Second-Order Cybernetic Reflection on Some Cellular Automata Projects. Journal of Mathematics and System Science 3: 201–216. https://cepa.info/2323

Herr C. M. (2015) The big picture: Connecting design, second order cybernetics and radical constructivism. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 107–114. https://cepa.info/2468

Herr C. M. (2019) Constructing cybernetic thinking, Design, and education. In: Fischer T. & Herr C. M. (eds.) Design cybernetics: Navigating the newSpringer, Cham: 153–170. https://cepa.info/6408

Heylighen F. & Busseniers E. (2023) Modeling autopoiesis and cognition with reaction networks. Biosystems 230: 104937. https://cepa.info/8470

Honkela T. (2005) Von Foerster meets Kohonen: Approaches to artificial intelligence, cognitive science and information systems development. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 40–53. https://cepa.info/5169

Jeon W. (2022) Second-order recursions of first-order cybernetics: An “experimental epistemology”. Open Philosophy 5(1): 381–395. https://cepa.info/8603

Jonas W. (2007) Research through DESIGN through research: A cybernetic model of designing design foundations. Kybernetes 36(9/10): 1362–1380. https://cepa.info/4723

Jones J. (2005) The Cybersemiotic Roots Of Computation: A Critique of the Computational Model of Cognition. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 12(3): 7–29. https://cepa.info/3289

Julià P. (2000) Observer or self-observer in second-order cybernetics?. Kybernetes 29(5/6): 770–786. https://cepa.info/4650

Kadri F. L. (2019) Are all observations measurements?. Kybernetes 48(4): 782–792. https://cepa.info/7098

Kauffman L. H. (2005) EigenForm. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 129–150. https://cepa.info/1271

Kauffman L. H. (2009) Reflexivity and Eigenform: The Shape of Process. Constructivist Foundations 4(3): 121–137. https://constructivist.info/4/3.121

Kauffman L. H. (2016) Cybernetics, Reflexivity and Second-Order Science. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 489–497. https://constructivist.info/11/3.489

Kauffman L. H. (2016) Remembrance of Things Past. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(1): 78–86. https://cepa.info/3530

Kauffman L. H. (2017) Eigenform and Reflexivity. Constructivist Foundations 12(3): 246–252. https://constructivist.info/12/3.246

Kauffman L. K. (2017) A concise approach to eigenform and reflexivity. Kybernetes 46(1): 1542–1554. https://cepa.info/4567

Kjellman A. (2006) The crisis of contemporary science. Kybernetes 35(3/4): 497–521. https://cepa.info/2173

Kline R. (2009) Where are the cyborgs in cybernetics?. Social Studies of Science 39: 331–362. https://cepa.info/2936

Krippendorff K. & Clemson B. (2016) Merger of Two Strategic (Ir)reconcilables, 1962–1980. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(1): 10–18. https://cepa.info/3317

Krippendorff K. (1996) A second-order cybernetics of otherness. Systems Research 13(3): 311–328. https://cepa.info/4817

Krippendorff K. (2009) Conversation: Possibilities of its Repair and Descent into Discourse and Computation. Constructivist Foundations 4(3): 138–150. https://constructivist.info/4/3.138

Krippendorff K. (2019) My scholarly life in cybernetics. World Futures 75(1–2): 69–91. https://cepa.info/6245

Leonard A. (2016) Recollections of My Years as ASC President: 2002–2004. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(1): 73–77. https://cepa.info/3511

Lepskiy V. (2018) Evolution of cybernetics: Philosophical and methodological analysis. Kybernetes 47(2): 249–261. https://cepa.info/4649

Letiche H. (2017) Researcher reflexivity: What it is and what it can be. Kybernetes 46(9): 1555–1563. https://cepa.info/4652

Limone A. & Bastias L. E. (2006) Autopoiesis and knowledge in the organization: Conceptual foundation for authentic knowledge management. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 23: 39–49. https://cepa.info/3934

Livet P. (2004) La notion de récursivité, de la première cybernétique au connexionnisme [The concept of recursivity, from the first cybernetics to connectionism]. Intellectica 39: 125–137. https://cepa.info/4362

Loktionov M. V. (2022) Современный взгляд на самореферентные системы: Кибернетика второго порядка [A modern look at self-referential systems: Cybernetics of the second-order]. Вопросы Философии 8: 206–210. https://cepa.info/8023

Lombardi J. & Richards L. (2022) Humberto Maturana on time: Zero-time cybernetics. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 29(1–2): 107–121. https://cepa.info/8830

Martin R. J. (2015) Second-Order cybernetics, Radical Constructivism, and the Biology of Cognition: Paradigms Struggling to Bring About Change. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 169–182. https://cepa.info/2467

Maturana H. R. (2005) The origin and conservation of self-consciousness: Reflections on four questions by Heinz von Foerster. In: Riegler A. (ed.) Heinz von Foerster – in memoriam. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics 34(1–2): 54–88. https://cepa.info/702

Moreno-Díaz R. & Moreno-Díaz A. (2007) On the legacy of W. S. McCulloch. BioSystems 88(3): 185–190. https://cepa.info/3782

Mossio M. & Bich L. (2014) La circularité biologique: Concepts et modèles. In: Varenne F., Silberstein M., Dutreuil S. & Huneman P. (eds.) Modéliser et simuler: Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation. Volume 2Editions Matériologiques, Paris: 137–170. https://cepa.info/4490

Možina M. (2019) Epistemology of hallucinations and hearing voices: The contribution of constructivism and neurophenomenology. Slovenska revija za psihoterapijo Kairos 13(3–4): 27–71. https://cepa.info/6838

Mulej M., Potocan V., Zenko Z., Kajzer S., Ursic D., Knez-Riedl J., Lynn M. & Ovsenik J. (2004) How to restore Bertalanffian systems thinking. Kybernetes 33(1): 48–61. https://cepa.info/4637

Müller A. (2015) Avec un “s”: Histories of cybernetics and the ASC. Kybernetes 44(8/9): 1341–1349. https://cepa.info/2626

Müller A. (2017) Jean Piaget und die Erfindung von Radikalem Konstruktivismus und Kybernetik Zweiter Ordnung. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 73–82. https://cepa.info/4200

Müller H. F. J. (2007) Epistemology Returns to Its Roots. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 72–80. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.72

Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2014) Second-Order Science: A Vast and Largely Unexplored Science Frontier. Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 7–15. https://constructivist.info/10/1.7

Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2016) Mapping the Varieties of Second-Order Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 443–454. https://constructivist.info/11/3.443

Müller K. H. (2015) A silent revolution in reflexivity. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 13(6): 70–81. https://cepa.info/2790

Müller K. H. (2015) De profundis. Ranulph Glanville’s transcendental framework for second-order cybernetics. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2/3): 27–47. https://cepa.info/2699

Müller K. H. (2016) Second-Order Science and New Cybernetics. In: Carayannis E. G., Campbell D. F. J. & Efthymiopoulos M. P. (eds.) Handbook of Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy and Cyber-DefenseSpringer, Berlin: in press. https://cepa.info/2295

Pangaro P. (2001) THOUGHTSTICKER 1986: A personal history of conversation theory in software, and its progenitor, Gordon Pask. Kybernetes 30(5/6): 790–807. https://cepa.info/4809

Pangaro P. (2010) How Can I Put That? Applying Cybernetics to “Conversational Media”. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 17(1–2): 59–75. https://cepa.info/3405

Pangaro P. (2016) Why Do We Want To Live In Cybernetics?. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(2): 9–21. https://cepa.info/3318

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