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Education (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Cheung K. C. (1993) On meaningful measurement: Issues of reliability and validity from a humanistic constructivist information-processing perspective. In: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, 1–4 August 1993Misconceptions Trust, Ithaca NY. https://cepa.info/7243

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Cifarelli V. V. & Sevim V. (2014) Examining the Role of Re-Presentation in Mathematical Problem Solving: An Application of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Conceptual Analysis. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 360–369. https://constructivist.info/9/3.360

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Cleaver D. & Ballantyne J. (2013) Teachers’ views of constructivist theory: A qualitative study illuminating relationships between epistemological understanding and music teaching practice. International Journal of Music Education. 32: 228–241. https://cepa.info/7266

Cobb P. (2011) Implications of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Constructivism for Supporting the Improvement of Teaching on a Large Scale. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 157–161. https://constructivist.info/6/2.157

Cobb P., Perlwitz M. & Underwood D. (1996) Constructivism and activity theory: A consideration of their similarities and differences as they relate to mathematics education. In: Mansfield H., Patemen N. & Bednarz N. (eds.) Mathematics for tomorrow’s young children: International perspectives on curriculumKluwer, Dordrecht: 10–56. https://cepa.info/6868

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Dick W. (1992) An instructional designer’s view of constructivism. In: Duffy T. M. & Jonassen D. H. (eds.) Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversationLawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ: 91–98. https://cepa.info/5209

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Gash H. (2011) Remembering Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 168–171. https://constructivist.info/6/2.168

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Gash H. (2022) Humberto Maturana: Using his biological system in the social domain. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 29(1–2): 77–86. https://cepa.info/7918

Gash H. (2023) My experience of Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30(3–4): 59–64. https://cepa.info/8890

Gash H., Guardia Gonzales S., Pires M. & Rault C. (2000) Attitudes towards Down Syndrome: A national comparative study: France, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. The Irish Journal of Psychology 21: 203–214. https://cepa.info/2189

Gash H., Romeu N. I. & Pina J. A. L. (2004) Spanish and Irish images of special needs: Perceptions of inclusion. In: Walsh P. N. & Gash H. (eds.) Lives and Times: Practice Policy and People with disabilityWordwell, Dublin: 180–223. https://cepa.info/2911

Glasersfeld E. von & Steffe L. P. (1986) Composite units and the operations that constitute them. In: Burton L. (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th International Meeting on Psychology in Mathematics EducationUniversity of London Institute of Education, London: 212–216. https://cepa.info/1390

Glasersfeld E. von & Steffe L. P. (1991) Conceptual models in educational research and practice. Journal of Educational Thought 25(2): 91–103. https://cepa.info/1419

Glasersfeld E. von (1983) Learning as a constructive activity. In: Bergeron J. C. & Herscovics N. (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the North American Group of Psychology in Mathematics Education, Vol. 1PME-NA, Montreal: 41–69. https://cepa.info/1373

Glasersfeld E. von (1985) Representation and deduction. In: Streefland L. (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1Utrecht, The Netherlands: State University. https://cepa.info/1381

Glasersfeld E. von (1986) The power of abused terms, Teaching, Thinking. Problem Solving 8(3): 7. https://cepa.info/1388

Glasersfeld E. von (1986) Why can’t Johnny add? (Book review). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 17(2): 151. https://cepa.info/1387

Glasersfeld E. von (1987) Preliminaries to any theory of representation. In: Janvier C. (ed.) Problems of representation in the teaching and learning of mathematicsErlbaum, Hillsdale NJ: 215–225. https://cepa.info/1395

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Children’s mathematical thinking (Book review). Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 21(3): 104. https://cepa.info/1410

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching. Synthese 80(1): 121–140. https://cepa.info/1408

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Commentaire subjectif par un observateur. In: Bednarz N. & Garnier C. (eds.) Construction des savoirsARC, Montreal: 367–371. https://cepa.info/1406

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Constructivism in education. In: Husen T. & Postlethwaite T. N. (eds.) International encyclopedia of education. Supplement Volume 1Pergamon Press, Oxford: 162–163. https://cepa.info/1404

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Préface. In: Larochelle M. & Désautels J. (eds.) Qu’est ce que le savoir scientifique?Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec: VII–IX. https://cepa.info/1411

Glasersfeld E. von (1990) An exposition of constructivism: Why some like it radical. In: Davis R. B., Maher C. A. & Noddings N. (eds.) Constructivist views on the teaching and learning of mathematicsNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston VA: 19–29. https://cepa.info/1415

Glasersfeld E. von (1991) A constructivist’s view of learning and teaching. In: Duit R., Goldberg F. & Niedderer H. (eds.) Research in physics learning: Theoretical issues and empirical studies – Proceedings of an international workshopIPN, Kiel: 29–39. https://cepa.info/1423

Glasersfeld E. von (1991) Introduction. In: Glasersfeld E. von (ed.) Radical constructivism in mathematics educationKluwer, Dordrecht: xiii–xx. https://cepa.info/1425

Glasersfeld E. von (1991) Radical constructivism in mathematics education. Kluwer, Dordrecht. https://cepa.info/1424

Glasersfeld E. von (1992) Apprendimento e insegnamento dal punto di vista del costruttivismo. L’Educazione Matematica III 2(1): 27–39. https://cepa.info/1429

Glasersfeld E. von (1992) Guest editorial. Educational Studies in Mathematics 23(5): 443–444. https://cepa.info/1435

Glasersfeld E. von (1992) Notes constructivistes sur l’éducation. Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’apprentissage et le développement en éducation, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (Canada). https://cepa.info/1432

Glasersfeld E. von (1992) Talking, teaching, and meaning. In: Kamm D. (ed.) Aufbruch in neue LernweltenExpedition 92, Munich: 64–67. https://cepa.info/1434

Glasersfeld E. von (1993) Letter to the Editor: Michael Matthews and epistemological problems. Journal of Science Education and Technology 2(4): 511–512. https://cepa.info/1449

Glasersfeld E. von (1993) Suggerimenti costruttivisti per i processi formativi – La costruzione della conoscenza e il rapporto con l’altro. In: Paolo Perticari (ed.) Della conversazioneGuaraldi, Rimini (Italy): 19–35. https://cepa.info/1450

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Cosa si prova quando s’impara?. In: Perticari P. & Sclavi M. (eds.) Il senso dell’imparareAnabasi, Milan: 17–25. https://cepa.info/1459

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Die Struktur des individuellen Wissens. In: Felixberger P. (ed.) Aufbruch in neue LernweltenPassagen, Vienna: 33–39. https://cepa.info/1452

Glasersfeld E. von (1994) Pourquoi le constructivisme doit-il être redical?. Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation 20(1): 21–27. https://cepa.info/1453

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) A constructivist approach to teaching. In: Steffe L. P. & Gale J. (eds.) Constructivism in educationErlbaum, Hillsdale: 3–15. https://cepa.info/1460

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Aspekte einer konstruktivistischen Didaktik [Aspects of constructivist didactics]. In: Lehren und Lernen als konstruktive TätigkeitRegional Institute for school and secondary education, Soest: 7–14. https://cepa.info/1467

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Conceptions et connaissances (Review of book by Giordan, Girault & Clément). Didaskalia 6: 180–181. https://cepa.info/1469

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Learning Mathematics: Constructivist and interactionist theories of mathematical development (Book Review). Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 27(4): 120–123. https://cepa.info/1465

Glasersfeld E. von (1995) Sensory experience, abstraction, and teaching. In: Steffe L. P. & Gale J. (eds.) Constructivism in educationErlbaum, Hillsdale: 369–383. https://cepa.info/1461

Glasersfeld E. von (1996) Aspects of radical constructivism and its educational recommendations. In: Steffe L. P., Nesher P., Cobb P., Goldin G. A. & Greer B. (eds.) Theories of mathematical learningLawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale: 307–314. https://cepa.info/1473

Glasersfeld E. von (1996) Footnotes to “Many faces of constructivism”. Educational Researcher 25(6): 19. https://cepa.info/1472

Glasersfeld E. von (1996) Le constructivisme radical et quelques-unes de ses recommen-dations en matière d’éducation. Télémaque 6: 37–44. https://cepa.info/1482

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Konstruktivismus statt Erkenntnistheorie [Constructivism instead of theory of knowledge]. In: Hug T. (ed.) Technologiekritik und MedienpädagogikSchneider Verlag, Hohengehren: 9–21. https://cepa.info/1495

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Zuerst muß man das Lernen lernen [First one must learn to learn]. In: Voß R. (ed.) SchulVisionen – Theorie und Praxis systemisch-konstruktivistischer PädagogikCarl Auer, Heidelberg: 33–43. https://cepa.info/1502

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) Konstruktivismus und Unterricht [Constructivism and instruction]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 2(4): 499–506. https://cepa.info/1515

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) Konstruktivistische Anregungen für Lehrer: Was in Bezug auf Sprache zu bedenken wäre [Constructivist suggestions for teachers: What should be considered in regard to language]. In: Renk E. (ed.) Lernen und Leben aus der Welt im Kopf, Konstruktivismus in der Schule [Learning and living from the world in one’s head, Constructivism in school]Luchterhand, Neuwied: 5–18. https://cepa.info/1516

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Constructivisme radical et enseignement. Revue Canadienne de l’enseignement des sciences, des mathématiques et des technologies 1(2): 211–222. https://cepa.info/1531

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Was heißt “Lernen” aus konstruktivistischer Sicht?. In: Schmidt S. J. (ed.) Lernen im Zeitalter des Internets [Learning in the age of the Internet]Pädagogisches Institut, Bolzano: 33–44. https://cepa.info/1533

Glasersfeld E. von (2002) Interview by Reinhard Voss. In: Voss R. (ed.) Unterricht aus konstruktivistischer Sicht [Instruction from a constructivist perspective]Hermann Luchterhand, Kriftel: 26–32. https://cepa.info/1540

Glasersfeld E. von (2002) Was heisst Lernen aus konstruktivistischer Sicht?. In: Voss R. (ed.) Unterricht aus konstruktivistischer Sicht [Instruction from a constructivist perspective]Hermann Luchterhand, Kriftel: 214–223. https://cepa.info/1541

Glasersfeld E. von (2003) A Source Book for Teachers and Teacher Education. Review of D. Lesh, Beyond Constructivism. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 35(6): 325–329. https://cepa.info/1548

Glasersfeld E. von (2005) Introduction: Aspects of constructivism. In: Fosnot C. T. (ed.) Constructivism: Theory perspectives, and practice. Second editionColumbia University, Teacher College Press: 3–7. https://cepa.info/1468

González F. (2011) Living in Parenthesis. A Layman’s Experiences of Knowing Maturana. Constructivist Foundations 6(3): 388–392. https://constructivist.info/6/3.388

Gunstone R. F. & Northfield J. R. (1988) Inservice education: Some constructivist perspectives and examples. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, 5–9 April 1988. https://cepa.info/6686

Głażewski M. (2011) Socjalizacja i edukacja w teorii systemów autopojetycznych Niklasa Luhmanna. Forum Socjologiczne 2: 141–166. https://cepa.info/8658

Hannafin M. J., Hannafin K. M., Land S. M. & Oliver K. (1997) Grounded practice and the design of constructivist learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development 45(3): 101–117. https://cepa.info/5214

Hendry G. D. (1996) Constructivism and educational practice. Australian Journal of Education 40(1): 19–45. https://cepa.info/6639

Herr C. M. (2019) Constructing cybernetic thinking, Design, and education. In: Fischer T. & Herr C. M. (eds.) Design cybernetics: Navigating the newSpringer, Cham: 153–170. https://cepa.info/6408

Hjorth A. & Wilensky U. (2014) Redesigning your city: A constructionist environment for urban planning education. Informatics in Education 13(2): 197–208. https://cepa.info/3664

Hjorth A. & Wilensky U. (2019) Studying Conceptual Change in Classrooms: Using Association Rule Mining to Detect Changes in Students’ Explanations of the Effects of Urban Planning and Social Policy. Constructivist Foundations 14(3): 272–283. https://constructivist.info/14/3.272

Hug T. (2008) Education towards Truth. Reflecting on a Sentence of Josef Mitterer. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 249–253. https://constructivist.info/3/3.249

Hug T. (2023) Education and 4E Cognition: Some Challenges at the Crossroads of Learning and Bildung. Constructivist Foundations 18(2): 158–168. https://constructivist.info/18/2.158

Hyde B. (2020) Constructivist and constructionist epistemologies in a globalised world: Clarifying the constructs. In: Zajda J. (ed.) Globalisation, ideology and education reforms. Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, vol 20Springer, Dordrecht: 125–138. https://cepa.info/7274

Jayasinghe K. (2021) Constructing constructivism in management accounting education: Reflections from a teaching cycle with innovative learning elements. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 18(2): 282–309. https://cepa.info/7648

Jonassen D. H. (1991) Objectivism versus constructivism: Do we need a new philosophical paradigm?. Journal of Educational Research 39(3): 5–14. https://cepa.info/5215

Kantar L. (2014) Incorporation of constructivist assumptions into problem-based instruction: A literature review. Nurse Education in Practice 14(3): 233–241. https://cepa.info/5845

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Kingsley P. (2011) The Socratic dialogue in asynchronous online discussions: Is constructivism redundant?. Campus-Wide Information Systems 28(5): 320–330. https://cepa.info/2727

Kotzee B. (2010) Seven posers in the constructivist classroom. London Review of Education 8(2): 177–187. https://cepa.info/8242

Krahenbuhl K. S. (2016) Student-centered education and constructivism: Challenges, concerns, and clarity for teachers. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies. Issues and Ideas 89(3): 97–105. https://cepa.info/7488

Kravchenko A. V. (2021) Information technologies, literacy, and cognitive development: An ecolinguistic view. Language Sciences 84(101368). https://cepa.info/7366

Kruse S. & Wistoft K. (2008) Complexity of Values Clarification in Health Education: A Systems Theoretical Contribution. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 15(1): 29–44. https://cepa.info/3332

Kvasz L. (2016) Princípy genetického konštruktivizmu. Orbis Scholae 10(2): 15–45. https://cepa.info/8666

Larochelle M. & Désautels J. (2009) Constructivism and the “Great Divides”. Constructivist Foundations 4(2): 91–99. https://constructivist.info/4/2.91

Larochelle M. & Désautels J. (2011) The Science Wars Go Local: The Reception of Radical Constructivism in Quebec. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 248–253. https://constructivist.info/6/2.248

Lebow D. (1993) Constructivist values for instructional systems design: Five principles toward a new mindset. Educational Technology, Research. and Development 41(3): 4–16. https://cepa.info/5807

Lebow D. (1993) Constructivist values for systems design: Five principles toward a new mindset. Educational Technology Research and Development 41(3): 4–16. https://cepa.info/4656

Lewicki D. (1993) The effects of a constructivist method of instruction in general chemistry laboratory on college students’ achievement and conceptual change. In: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, 1–4 August 1993Misconceptions Trust, Ithaca NY: **MISSING PAGES**. https://cepa.info/7245

Leś T. & Moroz J. (2021) More critical thinking in critical thinking concepts (?) A constructivist point of view. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 19(1): 98–124. https://cepa.info/7903

Lochhead J. & Glasersfeld E. von (1996) Pourquoi des étudiant(e)s doué(e)s se détournent-ils des sciences?. In: Giordan A., Martinand J.-L. & Raichvarg D. (eds.) Actes des XVIIIes Journées Internationales sur la communication, l’éducation et la culture scientifiques et industriellesCentre Jean Franco, Chamonix France: 41–46. https://cepa.info/1478

Marcum-Dietrich N. I. (2007) Using constructivist theories to educate the “outsiders. Journal of Latinos and Education 7(1): 79–87. https://cepa.info/7213

Martins I. P. & Cachapuz A. (1993) Making the invisible visible: A constructivist approach to the experimental teaching of energy changes in chemical systems. In: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, 1–4 August 1993Misconceptions Trust, Ithaca NY: **MISSING PAGES**. https://cepa.info/7246

Moroz J. (2015) Knowledge and reality as educational tools of violence. Power and Education 7(1): 113–119. https://cepa.info/6314

Moroz J. (2015) Rzeczywistość – poznanie – edukacja w kontekście radykalnego konstruktywizmu Ernsta von Glasersfelda. Kultura i Edukacja 107(1): 71–89. https://cepa.info/8676

Moroz J. (2018) A few remarks about the theoretization of basic didactic categories in a constructivist educational model. Culture – Society – Education 14(2): 63–71. https://cepa.info/7905

Niaz M. (2008) Whither constructivism? A chemistry teachers’ perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education 24(2): 400–416. https://cepa.info/4015

Niessen T., Abma T., Widdershoven G., van der Vleuten C. & Akkerman S. (2008) Contemporary epistemological research in education: Reconciliation and reconceptualization of the field. Theory & Psychology 18(1): 27–45. https://cepa.info/6118

Nix R. K., Fraser B. J. & Ledbetter C. E. (2005) Evaluating an integrated science learning environment using the constructivist learning environment survey. Learning Environments Research 8(2): 109–133. https://cepa.info/7145

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