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Embodiment (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (77)

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Butnor A. & MacKenzie M. (2022) Enactivism and gender performativity. In: Maitra K. & McWeeny J. (eds.) Feminist philosophy of mindOxford University Press, New York: 190–206. https://cepa.info/8753

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Chemero A. (1998) A stroll through the worlds of animats and humans: Review of Andy Clark’s Being there. Psyche 4: 24. https://cepa.info/2265

Clark A. (1999) An embodied cognitive science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3(9): 345–351. https://cepa.info/5189

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Cromby J. (2004) Between constructionism and neuroscience: The societal co-construction of embodied subjectivity. Theory and Psychology 14(6): 797–821. https://cepa.info/5554

De Haan S. & Fuchs T. (2010) The ghost in the machine: disembodiment in schizophrenia (two case studies). Psychopathology 43(5): 327–333. https://cepa.info/2268

De Jaegher H. (2013) Embodiment and sense-making in autism. Frontiers in Integrative neuroscience 7(15). https://cepa.info/2257

De Jaegher H., Pieper B., Clénin D. & Fuchs T. (2017) Grasping intersubjectivity: An invitation to embody social interaction research. Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences 16: 491–523. https://cepa.info/4350

De Jesus P. (2016) Making sense of (autopoietic) enactive embodiment: A gentle appraisal. Phainomena 25(98–99): 33–56. https://cepa.info/4133

Drayson Z. (2009) Embodied cognitive science and its implications for psychopathology.. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 16(4): 329–340. https://cepa.info/7846

Díaz-Rojas D. & Soto-Andrade J. (2015) Enactive metaphoric approaches to randomness. In: Krainer K. & Vondrová N. (eds.) Proceedings of the ninth congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9)Charles University, Prague: 629–636. https://cepa.info/6844

Díaz-Rojas D., Soto-Andrade J. & Videla-Reyes R. (2021) Enactive Metaphorizing in the Mathematical Experience. Constructivist Foundations 16(3): 265–274. https://constructivist.info/16/3.265

Fabry R. E. (2018) Betwixt and between: The enculturated predictive processing approach to cognition. Synthese 195(6): 2483–2518. https://cepa.info/5389

Froese T. & Stewart J. (2012) Enactive cognitive science and biology of cognition: A response to Humberto Maturana. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 19(4): 61–74. https://cepa.info/2388

Froese T. (2013) Bio-machine hybrid technology: A theoretical assessment and some suggestions for improved future design. Philosophy & technology 27(4): 539–560. https://cepa.info/2272

Fuchs T. & Schlimme J. E. (2009) Embodiment and psychopathology: a phenomenological perspective. Current opinion in psychiatry 22: 570–575. https://cepa.info/2275

Gahrn-Andersen R. (2019) Biological simplexity and cognitive heteronomy. Language Sciences 71: 38–48. https://cepa.info/5836

Georgeon O. L. & Cordier A. (2014) Inverting the interaction cycle to model embodied agents. Procedia Computer Science 41: 243–248. https://cepa.info/3785

Glenberg A. & Robertson D. (2000) Symbol Grounding and Meaning: A Comparison of High-Dimensional and Embodied Theories of Meaning. Journal of Memory and Language 43: 379–401. https://cepa.info/8397

Gordon S. (2013) Psychoneurointracrinology: The embodied self. In: Gordon S. (ed.) Neurophenomenology and its applications to psychologySpringer, New York: 115–148. https://cepa.info/7312

Gordon S. (2015) Alan Watts and neurophenomenology. Self & Society 43(4): 311–321. https://cepa.info/3739

Johnson M. & Rohrer T. (2007) We are living creatures: Embodiment, American pragmatism, and the cognitive organism. In: Zlatev J., Ziemke T., Frank R. & Dirven R. (eds.) Body, language, and mind. Volume 1Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin: 17–54. https://cepa.info/7349

Kirchhoff M. (2018) Predictive processing, perceiving and imagining: Is to perceive to imagine, or something close to it?. Philosophical Studies 175(3): 751–767. https://cepa.info/6379

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Kyselo M. & Di Paolo E. (2015) Locked-in syndrome: A challenge for embodied cognitive science. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 14(3): 517–542. https://cepa.info/2283

Laner I. (2021) Reflective interventions: Enactivism and phenomenology on ways of bringing the body into intellectual engagement. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20: 443–461. https://cepa.info/7144

Matyja J. R. & Schiavio A. (2013) Enactive Music Cognition: Background and Research Themes. Constructivist Foundations 8(3): 351-357. https://constructivist.info/8/3.351

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McGann M. (2024) Facing life: The messy bodies of enactive cognitive science. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences Online first. https://cepa.info/8987

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Meincke A. S. (2019) Systems or bodies? On how (not) to embody autopoiesis. Adaptive Behavior 28(2): 119–120. https://cepa.info/6116

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Nielsen K. & Ward T. (2018) Towards a new conceptual framework for psychopathology: Embodiment, enactivism, and embedment. Theory & Psychology 28(6): 800–822. https://cepa.info/6117

Parthemore J. (2013) The unified conceptual space theory: An enactive theory of concepts. Adaptive Behavior 21(3): 168–177. https://cepa.info/6283

Pastena N. & Minichiello G. (2015) Neuro-phenomenology and neuro-physiology of learning in education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 174: 2368–2373. https://cepa.info/3780

Röhricht F., Gallagher S., Geuter U. & Hutto D. D. (2014) Embodied cognition and body psychotherapy: The construction of new therapeutic environments. Sensoria: A Journal of Mind. Brain & Culture 10(1): 11–20. https://cepa.info/8428

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Sharkey N. E. & Ziemke T. (2001) Mechanistic versus phenomenal embodiment: Can robot embodiment lead to strong AI?. Cognitive Systems Research 2(4): 251–262. https://cepa.info/4519

Sriraman B. & Wu K. (2020) Embodied cognition. In: Lerman S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of mathematics education. Second editionSpringer, Cham: 266–268. https://cepa.info/6867

Stano P., Kuruma Y. & Damiano L. (2018) Synthetic biology and (embodied) artificial intelligence: Opportunities and challenges. Adaptive Behavior 26(1): 41–44. https://cepa.info/7853

Stapleton M. (2013) Steps to a “properly embodied” cognitive science. Cognitive Systems Research 22–23: 1–11. https://cepa.info/4543

Stilwell P. & Harman K. (2021) Phenomenological research needs to be renewed: Time to integrate enactivism as a flexible resource. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20(1): 1–15. https://cepa.info/7756

Stolz S. A. (2015) Embodied learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory 47(5): 474–487. https://cepa.info/3842

Thompson E. & Stapleton M. (2009) Making sense of sense-making: Reflections on enactive and extended mind theories. Topoi 28(1): 23–30. https://cepa.info/2290

Torrance S. (2005) In search of the enactive: Introduction to the special issue on enactive experience. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4(4): 357–368. https://cepa.info/2539

Turner A. (2007) Hermeneutic resonance in animats and art. In: Almeida e Costa F., Rocha L. M., Costa E., Harvey I. & Coutinho A. (eds.) Advances in Artificial Life. 9th European Conference, ECAL 2007Springer, Berlin: 495–504. https://cepa.info/2679

Urrestarazu H. (2011) Autopoietic Systems: A Generalized Explanatory Approach – Part 2. Constructivist Foundations 7(1): 48–67. https://constructivist.info/7/1.48

Valdés-Zorrilla A., Díaz-Rojas D., Jiménez L. & Soto-Andrade J. (2023) Random Walks as a Royal Road to E-STEAM in Math Education. Constructivist Foundations 18(2): 259–276. https://constructivist.info/18/2.259

Vallee-Tourangeau G. & Vallee-Tourangeau F. (2014) The Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Systemic Thinking. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 21(1–2): 113–127. https://cepa.info/3527

Vernon D. (2010) Enaction as a conceptual framework for developmental cognitive robotics. Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics 1(2): 89–98. https://cepa.info/4157

Virgo N. (2020) The necessity of extended autopoiesis. Adaptive Behavior 28(1): 23–26. https://cepa.info/5958

Vörös S. & Gaitsch P. (2016) The horizons of embodiment: Introduction to the special issue. Phainomena 25(98–99): 5–32. https://cepa.info/4154

Vörös S. (2014) The Autopoiesis of Peace: Embodiment, Compassion, and the Selfless Self. Poligrafi 19(75/76): 125–148. https://cepa.info/2195

Weser V. U. & Proffitt D. R. (2021) Expertise in tool use promotes tool embodiment. Topics in Cognitive Science 13(4): 597–609. https://cepa.info/7983

Zaslawski N. & Arminjon M. (2018) Shaun Gallagher and the Sciences of the Mind: Recontextualizing “Decentered” Cognition. Constructivist Foundations 14(1): 1–8. https://constructivist.info/14/1.1

Øberg G. K., Normann B. & Gallagher S. (2015) Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 31(4): 244–252. https://cepa.info/6922