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Ernst-von-glasersfeld (Constructivist Encyclopedia)

Ernst von Glasersfeld

This encyclopedia entry is in preparation.

Related publications (25)

Accame F. (2007) Ernst von Glasersfeld and the Italian Operative School. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 18–24. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.18

Boden M. A. (2010) Against Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 84–89. https://constructivist.info/6/1.84

Braffort P. (2007) Ernst Glasersfeld’s First Scientific Paper. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 12–17. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.12

Braffort P. (2011) Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Legacy Is Alive and Well in France and Italy!. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 139. https://constructivist.info/6/2.139

Cardellini L. (2008) The views and influence of Ernst von Glasersfeld: An introduction. Foundations of Chemistry 10: 129–134. https://cepa.info/4002

Forman G. E. (2011) Partial Memories of Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 183. https://constructivist.info/6/2.183

Glanville R. & Riegler A. (2007) Editorial: Ninety Years of Constructing. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 2–4. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.2

Glanville R. (2007) The Importance of Being Ernst. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 5–6. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.5

Herr C. M. (2014) Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 393–402. https://constructivist.info/9/3.393

Hiptmair E., Himmelfreundpointner T., Haller A. & Hug T. (2011) Skiing the Ötztaler Wildspitze with Ernst. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 150–151. https://constructivist.info/6/2.150

Hug T. (2007) Viability and Crusty Snow. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 114–117. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.114

Johnson D. K. (2010) Footprints in the Sand: Radical Constructivism and the Mystery of the Other. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 90–99. https://constructivist.info/6/1.90

Kenny V. (2007) Anyone for Tennis? Conversations with Ernst on Being Sporting about Epistemology. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 81–84. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.81

Kenny V. (2007) Distinguishing Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Radical Constructivism from Humberto Maturana’s ‘Radical Realism’. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 58–64. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.58

Kuhn J. (2011) A Consistent Man. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 138. https://constructivist.info/6/2.138

Lochhead J. (2007) Ernst to Amherst, Massachusetts. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 39–40. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.39

Matthews M. R. (2014) Radical constructivism: Ernst von Glasersfeld. In: Phillips D. C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophySage, New York: 690–693. https://cepa.info/4525

Michod R. (2011) Diversity in the Epistemology Group: Ernst von Glasersfeld and the Question of Adaptation. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 162–163. https://constructivist.info/6/2.162

Moroz J. (2015) Rzeczywistość – poznanie – edukacja w kontekście radykalnego konstruktywizmu Ernsta von Glasersfelda. Kultura i Edukacja 107(1): 71–89. https://cepa.info/8676

Müller A. (2017) Jean Piaget und die Erfindung von Radikalem Konstruktivismus und Kybernetik Zweiter Ordnung. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 73–82. https://cepa.info/4200

Riegler A. & Steffe L. P. (2014) “What Is the Teacher Trying to Teach Students if They Are All Busy Constructing Their Own Private Worlds?”: Introduction to the Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 297–301. https://constructivist.info/9/3.297

Silverman P. S. (2011) My Mentor Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 166–167. https://constructivist.info/6/2.166

Tomasello M. (2011) Ernst von Glasersfeld: Some “Partial Memories”. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 164–165. https://constructivist.info/6/2.164

Umpleby S. A. (2007) Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Limerick. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 146. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.146

Voß R. (2007) To Find a Daisy in December: Impressions of Ernst von Glasersfeld and an Interview with Him about Constructivism and Education. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 85–89. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.85