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Intersubjectivity (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


This encyclopedia entry is in preparation.

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Arango A. (2019) From sensorimotor dependencies to perceptual practices: Making enactivism social. Adaptive Behavior 27(1): 31–45. https://cepa.info/6199

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De Jaegher H. (2015) How we affect each other: Michel Henry’s “pathos-with” and the enactive approach to intersubjectivity. Journal of Consciousness Studies 22(1–2): 112–132. https://cepa.info/5641

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Froese T. & Di Paolo E. A. (2009) Sociality and the life–mind continuity thesis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8(4): 439–463. https://cepa.info/4460

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Janew C. (2014) Dialogue on alternating consciousness: From perception to infinities and back to free will. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 5(4): 351–391. https://cepa.info/1059

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Krueger J. (2013) Empathy, enaction, and shared musical experience: Evidence from infant cognition. In: Cochrane T., Fantini B. & Scherer K. R. (eds.) The emotional power of music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social controlOxford University Press, Oxford: 177–196. https://cepa.info/7598

Larison K. D. (2022) On beyond constructivism: Using intersubjective approaches to promote learning in the science classroom. Science & Education 31(1): 213–239. https://cepa.info/7482

McGee K. (2006) Enactive Cognitive Science. Part 2: Methods, Insights, and Potential. Constructivist Foundations 1(2): 73–82. https://constructivist.info/1/2.73

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Métais F. & Villalobos M. (2022) Levinas’ otherness: An ethical dimension for enactive sociality. Topoi 41(2): 327–339. https://cepa.info/7695

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Nixon G. M. (2013) Scientism, Philosophy and Brain-Based Learning. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education 11(1): 113–144. https://cepa.info/6984

Ollagnier-Beldame M. & Coupé C. (2019) Meeting You for the First Time: Descriptive Categories of an Intersubjective Experience. Constructivist Foundations 14(2): 167–180. https://constructivist.info/14/2.167

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Zeedyk M. S. (2006) From intersubjectivity to subjectivity: The transformative roles of emotional intimacy and imitation. Infant and Child Development 15: 321–344. https://cepa.info/5977

Øberg G. K., Normann B. & Gallagher S. (2015) Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 31(4): 244–252. https://cepa.info/6922