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Language (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (144)

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Foerster H. von (ed.) (1995) Cybernetics of cybernetics. Second edition. Future Systems Inc., Minneapolis. https://cepa.info/1774

François C. (1999) Systemics and cybernetics in a historical perspective. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 16: 203–219. https://cepa.info/3756

Gash H. (2013) Fixed or probable ideas. Foundations of Science 19(3): 283–284. https://cepa.info/894

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Glasersfeld E. von & Dutton B. (1966) Supralinguistic classification and correlators. Beiträge zur Linguistik und Informationsverarbeitung 9: 29–49. https://cepa.info/1302

Glasersfeld E. von & Pisani P. (1968) The Multistore system MP-2. The Georgia Institute for Research, Athens GA. https://cepa.info/1305

Glasersfeld E. von (1962) Towards the mechanical construction of correlational nets. CETIS Report No 42. European Atomic Energy Community - EURATOM, Brussels. https://cepa.info/1291

Glasersfeld E. von (1963) The functions of the articles in English. Center for Cybernetics, Milan. https://cepa.info/1296

Glasersfeld E. von (1965) An approach to the semantics of prepositions. In: Josselson H. (ed.) Proceedings of Las Vegas Conference on Computer-related semantic analysisWayne State University, Detroit MI: XIII/1–24. https://cepa.info/1299

Glasersfeld E. von (1969) Semantics and the syntactic classification of words. In: Proceedings of the third international conference on computational linguisticsICCL, Sanga S’by. https://cepa.info/1308

Glasersfeld E. von (1970) The correlational approach to language. Pensiero e Linguaggio 1(4): 391–398. https://cepa.info/1310

Glasersfeld E. von (1970) The problem of syntactic complexity in reading and readability. Journal of Reading Behavior 3(2): 1–14. https://cepa.info/1311

Glasersfeld E. von (1972) Reading, understanding, and conceptual situations. In: Greene F. P. (ed.) 21st Yearbook of the National Reading ConferenceN. C. R., Milwaukee WI: 119–127. https://cepa.info/1313

Glasersfeld E. von (1972) Semantic analysis of verbs in terms of conceptual situations. Linguistics 94: 90–106. https://cepa.info/1312

Glasersfeld E. von (1974) Signs, communication, and language. Journal of Human Evolution 3: 465–474. https://cepa.info/1322

Glasersfeld E. von (1974) The Yerkish language for non-human primates. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 1, Microfiche 12. https://cepa.info/1325

Glasersfeld E. von (1974) Verständigung mit Schimpanzen. Die Weltwoche 14: 49-50. https://cepa.info/1320

Glasersfeld E. von (1974) ”Because” and the concepts of causation. Semiotica 12(2): 129–144. https://cepa.info/1321

Glasersfeld E. von (1976) The development of language as purposive behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 280(1): 212–226. https://cepa.info/1329

Glasersfeld E. von (1977) Comunicare con un scimpanze. In: Istituto di Psicologia CNR (ed.) Problemi attuali di psicologiaBulzoni, Rome: 145–158. https://cepa.info/1339

Glasersfeld E. von (1977) Linguistic communication: Theory and definition. In: Rumbaugh D. M. (ed.) Language learning by a chimpanzeeAcademic Press, New York: 55–71. https://cepa.info/1335

Glasersfeld E. von (1977) Russian essays on lexical semantics (Book review). American Journal of Computational Linguistics 14(2): 16–33. https://cepa.info/1338

Glasersfeld E. von (1977) The Yerkish language and its automatic parser. In: Rumbaugh D. M. (ed.) Language learning by a chimpanzeeAcademic Press, New York: 91–130. https://cepa.info/1336

Glasersfeld E. von (1978) Les chimpanzés et le langage. La Recherche 9(92): 725–732. https://cepa.info/1342

Glasersfeld E. von (1983) On the concept of interpretation. Poetics 12(2/3): 207–218. https://cepa.info/1372

Glasersfeld E. von (1987) The construction of knowledge: Contributions to conceptual semantics. Intersystems Publications, Salinas CA. https://cepa.info/1397

Glasersfeld E. von (1987) Wissen, Sprache und Wirklichkeit. Vieweg, Wiesbaden (Germany). https://cepa.info/1398

Glasersfeld E. von (1989) Linguaggio e comunicazione nel costruttivismo radicale. CLUP, Milan. https://cepa.info/1407

Glasersfeld E. von (1993) Warum sprechen wir, und die Schimpansen nicht? [Why do we speak, and chimpanzees do not?]. In: Hosp I. (ed.) Sprachen des Menschen, Sprache der Dinge [Languages of mankind, language of things]Südtiroler Kulturinstitut, Bolzano: 53–61. https://cepa.info/1444

Glasersfeld E. von (1997) Difesa di Whorf. Methodologia Working Papers 82. https://cepa.info/1485

Glasersfeld E. von (1998) Breve risposta a Sigiani [Brief reply to Sigiani]. Methodologia Working Papers 94. https://cepa.info/1494

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) A proposito dei bilingui [About bilinguals]. Methodologia Working Papers 109. https://cepa.info/1510

Glasersfeld E. von (1999) How do we mean? A constructivist sketch of semantics (Special issue "Radical Constructivism in education" edited by Marie Larochelle). Cybernetics & Human Knowing 6(1): 9–16. https://cepa.info/1508

Glasersfeld E. von (2000) Vorwort: Fremde Sprachen, fremde Begriffe [Preface: Foreign languages, foreign concepts]. In: Wendt M. (ed.) Konstruktion statt Instruktion [Construction instead of instruction]Peter Lang, Bern: 9–11. https://cepa.info/1525

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Silvio Ceccato and the correlational grammar. In: Hutchins W. J. (ed.) Early years in machine translationJohn Benjamins, Amsterdam: 313–324. https://cepa.info/1529

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Über die Grenzen der Sprache [On the limits of language]. In: Wüthrich H. A., Winter W. B. & Philipp A. (eds.) Grenzen ökonomischen Denkens [Limits of economical thought]Gabler, Wiesbaden: 5–12. https://cepa.info/1532

Glasersfeld E. von (2004) Aggiunta al “noi” politico. Methodologia Working Papers 165(1). https://cepa.info/1552

Glasersfeld E. von (2005) Metaphern als indirekte Beschreibung. In: Fischer H.-R. (ed.) Eine Rose ist ein Rose…Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist: 145–155. https://cepa.info/1555

Glasersfeld E. von (2007) The constructivist view of communication. In: Müller A. & Müller K. H. (eds.) An unfinished revolution? Heinz von Foerster and the Biological Computer Laboratory, BCL, 1959–1976Edition Echoraum, Vienna: 351–360. https://cepa.info/1559

Glasersfeld E. von (2008) Bekanntschaft mit einer Schimpansin. Universum 5: 130–131. https://cepa.info/1563

Glasersfeld E. von, Perschke S. & Samet E. (1962) Human translation and translation by machine. In: International conference on machine translation of languages and applied language analysis, 1961, Volume IIH. M. Stationery Office, London: 507–530. https://cepa.info/1292

Glasersfeld E. von, Warner H., Pisani P., Rumbaugh D., Gill T. V. & Bell C. L. (1973) A computer mediates communication with a chimpanzee. Computers and Automation 22(7): 3–6. https://cepa.info/1314

Glenberg A. & Robertson D. (2000) Symbol Grounding and Meaning: A Comparison of High-Dimensional and Embodied Theories of Meaning. Journal of Memory and Language 43: 379–401. https://cepa.info/8397

Grampp S. (2008) Dualism Still at Work. On Wittgenstein’s Certainty. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 221–225. https://constructivist.info/3/3.221

Harvey M. I. (2015) Content in languaging: Why radical enactivism is incompatible with representational theories of language. Language Sciences 48: 90–129. https://cepa.info/2390

Haskell J., Linds W. & Ippolito J. (2002) Opening spaces of possibility: The enactive as a qualitative research approach. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 3(3): 14. https://cepa.info/8359

Izmirli I. M. (2014) Wittengstein’s language games and forms of life from a social constructivist point of view. American Journal of Educational Research 2(5): 291–298. https://cepa.info/2949

Kravchenko A. (2007) Essential properties of language or why language is not a code. Language Sciences 29: 650–671. https://cepa.info/5651

Kravchenko A. (2022) Approaching linguistic semiosis biologically: Implications for human evolution. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 15(2): 139–158. https://cepa.info/7790

Kravchenko A. V. (2020) A Critique of Barbieri’s Code Biology. Constructivist Foundations 15(2): 122–134. https://constructivist.info/15/2.122

Kravchenko A. V. (2021) Information technologies, literacy, and cognitive development: An ecolinguistic view. Language Sciences 84(101368). https://cepa.info/7366

Kravchenko A. V. (2022) The Maturanian Turn: Good Prospects for the Language Sciences. Constructivist Foundations 18(1): 030–041. https://constructivist.info/18/1.030

Krippendorff K. (2009) Conversation: Possibilities of its Repair and Descent into Discourse and Computation. Constructivist Foundations 4(3): 138–150. https://constructivist.info/4/3.138

Krippendorff K. (2023) A Critical Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 19(1): 82–93. https://constructivist.info/19/1.82

Kügler P. (2013) Non-dualism versus Conceptual Relativism. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 247–252. https://constructivist.info/8/2.247

Love N. (2004) Cognition and the language myth. Language Sciences 26: 525–544. https://cepa.info/6237

Löfgren L. (1996) Shadows of language in physics and cybernetics. Systems Research 13(3): 329–340. https://cepa.info/4851

Madsen J. & Cowley S. (2014) Living Subjectivity: Time Scales, Language, and the Fluidity of the Self. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 21(1–2): 11–22. https://cepa.info/3311

Maturana H. R. (1990) Science and daily life: The ontology of scientific explanations. In: Krohn W., Küppers G. & Nowotny H. (eds.) Selforganization: Portrait of a scientific revolutionKluwer, Dordrecht: 12–35. https://cepa.info/607

Maturana H. R. (2000) The nature of the laws of nature. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17: 459–468. https://cepa.info/671

Maturana H. R. (2006) Self-consciousness: How? When? Where?. Constructivist Foundations 1(3): 91–102. https://constructivist.info/1/3.91

Maturana H. R., Mpodozis J. & Letelier J. C. (1995) Brain, language and the origin of human mental functions. Biological Research 28(1): 15–26. https://cepa.info/642

Mingers J. (1991) The Cognitive Theories of Maturana and Varela. Systems Practice 4(4): 319–338. https://cepa.info/2253

Mingers J. (1992) The problems of social autopoiesis. International Journal of General Systems 21(2): 229–236. https://cepa.info/2811

Mitchell A. (2019) Second-order learning systems. Chapter 3 in: Second-order learning in developmental evaluation: New methods for complex conditionsPalgrave Pivot, Cham: 49–94. https://cepa.info/5715

Mora G. (1976) Vico and Piaget: Parallels and differences. Social Research 43(4): 699–712. https://cepa.info/6212

Moser S. (2008) "Walking and Falling." Language as Media Embodiment. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 260–268. https://constructivist.info/3/3.260

Moyal-Sharrock D. (2021) From deed to word: Gapless and kink-free enactivism. Synthese 198(1): 405–425. https://cepa.info/7376

Nixon G. M. (1999) A “hermeneutic objection”: Language and the inner view. Journal of Consciousness Studies 6(2-3): 257–267. https://cepa.info/6973

Nixon G. M. (2000) Excavating the Cultural Construction of Personhood. The Personalist Forum (conference presentation) 1(3): 62–70. https://cepa.info/6974

Nixon G. M. (2006) Mortal knowledge, the originary event, and the emergence of the sacred. Anthropoetics: The Journal of Generative Anthropology XII(1): 1–24. https://cepa.info/6975

Nixon G. M. (2010) Hollows of experience. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 1(3): 234–288. https://cepa.info/6976

Ortiz-Ocaña A. (2015) La concepción de Maturana acerca de la conducta y el lenguaje humano. Revista CES Psicología 8(2): 182–199. https://cepa.info/4671

Peck B. (2015) The personal construct and language: Toward a rehabilitation of Kelly’s “inner outlook. ” Theory & Psychology 25(3): 259–273. https://cepa.info/8363

Peck B. (2015) The personal construct and language: Toward a rehabilitation of Kelly’s “inner outlook”. Theory & Psychology 25(3): 259–273. https://cepa.info/3993

Petersen A. (1963) The philosophy of Niels Bohr. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 19(7): 8–14. https://cepa.info/4508

Pienkos E., Škodlar B. & Sass L. (2021) Expressing experience: The promise and perils of the phenomenological interview. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences Online first. https://cepa.info/7294

Páucar-Cáceres A. (2005) Language, the biology of cognition, emotions, and poetic language. Systemic Practice and Action Research 17(6): 591–602. https://cepa.info/7683

Raczaszek-Leonardi J. (2014) Multiple Systems and Multiple Time Scales of Language Dynamics: Coping with Complexity. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 21(1–2): 37–52. https://cepa.info/3380

Raimondi V. (2019) The role of languaging in human evolution: An approach based on the theory of natural drift. Chinese Semiotic Studies 15(4): 675–696. https://cepa.info/7955

Richards L. (2015) What I Learned from Ranulph Glanville. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 115–120. https://cepa.info/3587

Richards L. D. (2007) Connecting Radical Constructivism to Social Transformation and Design. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 129–135. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.129

Riegler A. & Gash H. (2011) Legacy of a Great Thinker. Editorial for the Commemorative Issue for Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 135–137. https://constructivist.info/6/2.135

Riegler A. (2005) Constructive memory. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 89–104. https://cepa.info/1779

Rocha L. S. (2011) Teoria do Direito no Século XXI: Da semiótica à autopoiese. Seqüência: Estudos Jurídicos e Políticos 32(62): 193–222. https://cepa.info/6993

Rumbaugh D. M. (2007) Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Contributions to the LANA Project. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 29–31. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.29

Rumbaugh D. M., Gill T. V. & Glasersfeld E. von (1974) Language in man, monkey, and machines (Reply to Mistler & Lachman). Science 185(4154): 872–873. https://cepa.info/1318

Rumbaugh D. M., Gill T. V. & Glasersfeld E. von (1976) La lectura y el completado do oraciones, realizados por un chimpance. In: Sanchez de Zavala V. (ed.) Sobre el lenguaje de los antropoidesSigle Veintiuno, Madrid: 137–146. https://cepa.info/1332

Rumbaugh D. M., Gill T. V., Glasersfeld E. von, Warner H. & Pisani P. (1975) Conversations with a chimpanzee in a computer-controlled environment. Biological Psychiatry 10(6): 627–641. https://cepa.info/1328

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Schmidt S. J. (2011) From Objects to Processes: A Proposal to Rewrite Radical Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 7(1): 1–9 & 37–47. https://constructivist.info/7/1.1

Schwegler H. (2001) Physics develops unaffected by constructivism. Special Issue “The Impact of Radical Constructivism on Science” edited by Alexander Riegler. Foundations of Science 6(1–3): 241–253. https://cepa.info/3633

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Simsky A., Kravchenko A. & Druzhinin A. (2021) Мыследействия и генезис времени в языковом семиозисе. Slovo.ru: Baltic accent 12(2): 7–28. https://cepa.info/8083

Sofronieva E. & Shopov T. (2012) The Swing of the Pendulum: Objectivism or Constructivism in Language Education?. Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education 2: 173–189. https://cepa.info/8677

Szokolszky A., Read C., Palatinus Z. & Palatinus K. (2019) Ecological approaches to perceptual learning: Learning to perceive and perceiving as learning. Adaptive Behavior Online first. https://cepa.info/6126

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Vianna B. (2011) Co-ontogeny: A systemic approximation of language. AIBR – Revista de antropologia Iberoamericana 6(2): 135–158. https://cepa.info/7866

Weber S. (2008) The Object of Description is the Description of the Object So Far: Non-dualism and Beyond. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 140–147. https://constructivist.info/3/3.140

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