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Learning (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (180)

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Ackermann E. K. (2010) Constructivism(s): Shared roots, crossed paths, multiple legacies. In: Clayson J. & Kalas I. (eds.) Constructionist approaches to creative learning, thinking and education: Lessons for the 21st century. Proceedings of Constructionism 2010Comenius University, Bratislava: 1–9. https://cepa.info/6082

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Andrew A. M. (2005) Artificial neural nets and BCL. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 33–39. https://cepa.info/5168

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Baron P. (2016) A Cybernetic Approach to Contextual Teaching and Learning. Constructivist Foundations 12(1): 91–100. https://constructivist.info/12/1.91

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Bunnell P. (2017) Reflections on learning as designing. Kybernetes 46(9): 1486–1498. https://cepa.info/6792

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Cifarelli V. V. & Sevim V. (2014) Examining the Role of Re-Presentation in Mathematical Problem Solving: An Application of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Conceptual Analysis. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 360–369. https://constructivist.info/9/3.360

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Cohen L. B., Chaput H. H. & Cashon C. H. (2002) A constructivist model of infant cognition. Cognitive Development 17: 1323–1343. https://cepa.info/5849

Coles A. (2015) On enactivism and language: Towards a methodology for studying talk in mathematics classrooms. ZDM Mathematics Education 47(2): 235–246. https://cepa.info/6131

Coll C. (1996) Constructivismo y educación escolar: Ni hablamos siempre de lo mismo ni lo hacemos siempre desde la misma perspectiva epistemológica. [Constructivism and education: We neither speak about the same thing. nor do we it in the same way] Anuario de Psicología 69: 153–178. https://cepa.info/4634

Cooper P. A. (1993) Paradigm shifts in designed instruction: From behaviorism to cognitivism to constructivism. Educational Technology 33: 12–19. https://cepa.info/5222

Cretu A. (2020) Learning the Ashby Box: an experiment in second order cybernetic modeling. Kybernetes 49(8): 2073–2090. https://cepa.info/8063

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Dick W. (1992) An instructional designer’s view of constructivism. In: Duffy T. M. & Jonassen D. H. (eds.) Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversationLawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ: 91–98. https://cepa.info/5209

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Epp S., Reekie M., Denison J., de Bosch Kemper N., Willson M. & Marck P. (2021) Radical transformation: Embracing constructivism and pedagogy for an innovative nursing curriculum. Journal of Professional Nursing 37(5): 804–809. https://cepa.info/7574

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Fabry R. E. (2018) Betwixt and between: The enculturated predictive processing approach to cognition. Synthese 195(6): 2483–2518. https://cepa.info/5389

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Gash H. (2014) Constructing Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 302–310. https://constructivist.info/9/3.302

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Georgeon O. L. & Riegler A. (2019) CASH only: Constitutive autonomy through motorsensory self-programming. Cognitive Systems Research 58: 366–374. https://cepa.info/6000

Georgeon O. L. & Ritter F. E. (2012) An intrinsically-motivated schema mechanism to model and simulate emergent cognition. Cognitive Systems Research 15–16: 73–92. https://cepa.info/5028

Georgeon O. L. (2017) Little AI: Playing a constructivist robot. SoftwareX 6: 161–164. https://cepa.info/5866

Georgeon O., Mille A. & Gay S. (2016) Intelligence artificielle sans données ontologiques sur une réalité presupposée [Artificial intelligence without using ontological data about a presupposed reality]. Intellectica 65: 143–168. https://cepa.info/3662

Georgeon O., Mille A. & Gay S. (2016) Intelligence artificielle sans données ontologiques sur une réalité présupposée [Artificial intelligence without using ontological data about a presupposed reality]. Intellectica 65: 143–168. https://cepa.info/5025

Geraniou E. & Mavrikis M. (2015) Building Bridges to Algebra through a Constructionist Learning Environment. Constructivist Foundations 10(3): 321–330. https://constructivist.info/10/3.321

Glanville R. (2008) Second order cybernetics. Revised version. In: Parra-Luna F. (ed.) Systems science and cybernetics. Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCOEolss Publishers, Paris: Web publication. https://cepa.info/2708

Glanville R. (2011) Introduction: A conference doing the cybernetics of cybernetics. Kybernetes 40(7/8): 952–963. https://cepa.info/3039

Glanville R. (2014) Acting to understand and understanding to act. Kybernetes 43(9/10): 1293–1300. https://cepa.info/3905

Glasersfeld E. von (1981) Feedback, induction, and epistemology. In: Lasker G. E. (ed.) Applied systems and cybernetics. Volume II: Systems concepts, models and methodologyPergamon Press, New York: 712–719. https://cepa.info/1359

Glasersfeld E. von (2001) Scheme theory as a key to the learning paradox. In: Philipp A. & Vonèche J. (eds.) Working with Jean Piaget: Essays in honour of Bärbel InhelderPsychology Press, London: 139–146. https://cepa.info/1527

Goldspink C. & Kay R. (2003) Organizations as self-organizing and sustaining systems: A complex and autopoietic systems perspective. International Journal of General Systems 32(5): 459–474. https://cepa.info/3951

Gordon M. (2008) Between constructivism and connectedness. Journal of Teacher Education 59(4): 322–332. https://cepa.info/5899

Gordon M. (2009) The misuses and effective uses of constructivist teaching. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 15: 737–746. https://cepa.info/5750

Gunstone R. F. & Northfield J. R. (1988) Inservice education: Some constructivist perspectives and examples. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, 5–9 April 1988. https://cepa.info/6686

Hannafin M. J., Hannafin K. M., Land S. M. & Oliver K. (1997) Grounded practice and the design of constructivist learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development 45(3): 101–117. https://cepa.info/5214

Helland B. (2004) The constructivist learning environment scorecard: A tool to characterize online learning. In: Egan T. M. (ed.) Proceedings AHRD 2004 Conference. Volume 2Academy of Human Resource Development, Bowling Green OH: 618–625. https://cepa.info/5218

Hendry G. D. (1996) Constructivism and educational practice. Australian Journal of Education 40(1): 19–45. https://cepa.info/6639

Herr C. M. (2014) Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 393–402. https://constructivist.info/9/3.393

Higueras-Herbada A., de Paz C., Jacobs D. M., Travieso D. & Ibáñez-Gijón J. (2019) The direct learning theory: A naturalistic approach to learning for the post-cognitivist era. Adaptive Behavior Online first. https://cepa.info/6112

Hjorth A. & Wilensky U. (2019) Studying Conceptual Change in Classrooms: Using Association Rule Mining to Detect Changes in Students’ Explanations of the Effects of Urban Planning and Social Policy. Constructivist Foundations 14(3): 272–283. https://constructivist.info/14/3.272

Hoemann K., Xu F. & Barrett L. (2019) Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental Psychology 55: 1830–1849. https://cepa.info/6390

Hoffman D. D., Singh M. & Prakash C. (2015) The interface theory of perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22(6): 1480–1506. https://cepa.info/4555

Honebein P. C., Duffy T. M. & Fishman B. J. (1993) Constructivism and the design of learning environments: Context and authentic activities for learning. In: Duffy T. M., Lowyck J. S. & Jonassen D. (eds.) Designing environments for constructivist learningSpringer, Berlin: 87–108. https://cepa.info/7704

Horn J. K. & Wilburn D. (2005) The embodiment of learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory 37(5): 745–760. https://cepa.info/3788

Hornischer H., Plakolb S., Jäger G. & Füllsack M. (2020) Foresight Rather than Hindsight? Future State Maximization As a Computational Interpretation of Heinz von Foerster’s Ethical Imperative. Constructivist Foundations 16(1): 36–49. https://constructivist.info/16/1.36

Hug T. (2010) Radical Constructivism Mainstreaming: A Desirable Endeavor? Critical Considerations using Examples from Educational Studies and Learning Theory. Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 58–65. https://constructivist.info/6/1.58

Hunt J. & Tzur R. (2017) Where is difference? Processes of mathematical remediation through a constructivist lens. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 48: 62–76. https://cepa.info/5847

Hursen C. & Soykara A. (2012) Evaluation of teachers’ beliefs towards constructivist learning practices. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 46: 92–100. https://cepa.info/5868

Hutto D. D. (2018) Getting into predictive processing’s great guessing game: Bootstrap heaven or hell?. Synthese 195(6): 2445–2458. https://cepa.info/5388

Jayasinghe K. (2021) Constructing constructivism in management accounting education: Reflections from a teaching cycle with innovative learning elements. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 18(2): 282–309. https://cepa.info/7648

Jerardino-Wiesenborn B., Paucar-Caceres A. & Ochoa-Arias A. (2020) A conceptual framework based on Maturana’s ontology of the observer to explore the Checkland’s soft systems methodology. Systemic Practice and Action Research 33: 579–597. https://cepa.info/7654

Jonas W. (2007) Research through DESIGN through research: A cybernetic model of designing design foundations. Kybernetes 36(9/10): 1362–1380. https://cepa.info/4723

Kantar L. (2014) Incorporation of constructivist assumptions into problem-based instruction: A literature review. Nurse Education in Practice 14(3): 233–241. https://cepa.info/5845

Kibici V. B. (2022) Effects of online constructivist 5E instructional model on secondary school music lessons. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE) 5(1): 117–131. https://cepa.info/9196

Kiefer A. & Hohwy J. (2018) Content and misrepresentation in hierarchical generative models. Synthese 195(6): 2387–2415. https://cepa.info/5387

Kotzee B. (2010) Seven posers in the constructivist classroom. London Review of Education 8(2): 177–187. https://cepa.info/8242

Kuniyoshi Y., Yorozu Y., Suzuki S., Sangawa S. & Nagakubo A. (2007) Emergence and development of embodied cognition: A constructivist approach using robots. Progress in Brain Research 164: 425–445. https://cepa.info/5853

Laner I. (2021) Reflective interventions: Enactivism and phenomenology on ways of bringing the body into intellectual engagement. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20: 443–461. https://cepa.info/7144

Larochelle M. & Désautels J. (2007) Concerning Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Contribution to Intellectual Freedom: One Interpretation, One Example. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 90–97. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.90

Letiche H. (2017) Researcher reflexivity: What it is and what it can be. Kybernetes 46(9): 1555–1563. https://cepa.info/4652

Lobo L. (2019) Current alternatives on perceptual learning: Introduction to special issue on post-cognitivist approaches to perceptual learning. Adaptive Behavior 27(6): 355–362. https://cepa.info/6286

Lozano M.-D. (2015) Using enactivism as a methodology to characterise algebraic learning. ZDM Mathematics Education 47(2): 223–234. https://cepa.info/6133

Matthen M. (2014) Debunking enactivism: A critical notice of Hutto and Myin’s Radicalizing Enactivism. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4(1): 118–128. https://cepa.info/5679

Mikkilineni R. (2022) A new class of autopoietic and cognitive machines. Information 13(1): 24. https://cepa.info/8025

Moody M. & Burleson C. (2013) Using service-based, collaborative teaching in journalism courses. Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication: A Journal Published by the Small Programs Interest Group 4(1). https://cepa.info/936

Moroz J. (2015) Knowledge and reality as educational tools of violence. Power and Education 7(1): 113–119. https://cepa.info/6314

Moroz J. (2015) Rzeczywistość – poznanie – edukacja w kontekście radykalnego konstruktywizmu Ernsta von Glasersfelda. Kultura i Edukacja 107(1): 71–89. https://cepa.info/8676

Murphy F. & Gash H. (2020) I Can’t Yet and Growth Mindset. Constructivist Foundations 15(2): 83–94. https://constructivist.info/15/2.83

Nix R. K., Fraser B. J. & Ledbetter C. E. (2005) Evaluating an integrated science learning environment using the constructivist learning environment survey. Learning Environments Research 8(2): 109–133. https://cepa.info/7145

Nixon G. M. (2013) Scientism, Philosophy and Brain-Based Learning. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education 11(1): 113–144. https://cepa.info/6984

Nowak M., Castellini C. & Massironi C. (2018) Applying Radical Constructivism to Machine Learning: A Pilot Study in Assistive Robotics. Constructivist Foundations 13(2): 250–262. https://constructivist.info/13/2.250

Osborne J. (1993) Beyond constructivism. In: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, 1–4 August 1993Misconceptions Trust, Ithaca NY: **MISSING PAGES**. https://cepa.info/7248

Palincsar A. S. (1998) Social constructivist perspective on teaching and learning. Annual Review of Psychology 49: 345–375. https://cepa.info/6486

Pande M. & Bharathi S. V. (2020) Theoretical foundations of design thinking: A constructivism learning approach to design thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity 36: 100637. https://cepa.info/7576

Pangaro P. (2001) THOUGHTSTICKER 1986: A personal history of conversation theory in software, and its progenitor, Gordon Pask. Kybernetes 30(5/6): 790–807. https://cepa.info/4809

Papademetri-Kachrimani C. (2015) Learning about Learning with Teachers and (from) Young Children. Constructivist Foundations 10(3): 370–381. https://constructivist.info/10/3.370

Parra C. & Yano M. (2002) Tridimensional Recursive Learning Model. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 9(3–4): 79–99. https://cepa.info/3211

Pastena N. & Minichiello G. (2015) Neuro-phenomenology and neuro-physiology of learning in education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 174: 2368–2373. https://cepa.info/3780

Perkins D. (1991) Technology meets constructivism: Do they make a marriage?. Educational Technology 31(5): 18–23. https://cepa.info/5220

Perkins D. N. (1991) What constructivism demands of the learner. Educational Technology 31(9): 19–21. https://cepa.info/5224

Perotto F. S. (2013) A Computational Constructivist Model as an Anticipatory Learning Mechanism for Coupled Agent–Environment Systems. Constructivist Foundations 9(1): 46–56. https://constructivist.info/9/1.46

Peschl M. F. (2006) Modes of Knowing and Modes of Coming to Know Knowledge Creation and Co-Construction as Socio-Epistemological Engineering in Educational Processes. Constructivist Foundations 1(3): 111–123. https://constructivist.info/1/3.111

Peschl M. F. (2007) Triple-Loop Learning as Foundation for Profound Change, Individual Cultivation, and Radical Innovation: Construction Processes beyond Scientific and Rational Knowledge. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 136–145. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.136

Peschl M. F., Bottaro G., Hartner-Tiefenthaler M. & Rötzer K. (2014) Learning How to Innovate as a Socio-epistemological Process of Co-creation: Towards a Constructivist Teaching Strategy for Innovation. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 421–433. https://constructivist.info/9/3.421

Porcaro D. (2011) Applying constructivism in instructivist learning cultures. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal 5(1): 39–54. https://cepa.info/5192

Porr B. & Miller P. (2019) Forward propagation closed loop learning. Adaptive Behavior 28(3): 181–194. https://cepa.info/6722

Porr B., Egerton A. & Wörgötter F. (2006) Towards Closed Loop Information: Predictive Information. Constructivist Foundations 1(2): 83–90. https://constructivist.info/1/2.83

Proulx J. & Simmt E. (2013) Enactivism in mathematics education: Moving toward a re-conceptualization of learning and knowledge. Education Sciences & Society 4(1): 59–79. https://cepa.info/4336

Quartz S. R. & Sejnowski T. J. (1997) The neural basis of cognitive development: A constructivist manifesto. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20: 537–596. https://cepa.info/3746

Ramírez-Vizcaya S. (2020) A world-involving theory of agency: review of Sensorimotor Life: An Enactive Proposal by Ezequiel Di Paolo, Thomas Buhrmann, and Xabier Barandiaran. Adaptive Behavior Online first. https://cepa.info/7860

Reid D. A. (2014) The coherence of enactivism and mathematics education research: A case study. Avant 5(2): 137–172. https://cepa.info/7105

Reyes A. & Zarama R. (1998) The process of embodying distinctions – a re-construction of the process of learning. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 5(3): 19–33. https://cepa.info/3111

Rezaei A. R. & Katz L. (2002) Using Computer Assisted Instruction to Compare the Inventive Model and the Radical Constructivist Approach to Teaching Physics. Journal of Science Education and Technology 11(4): 367–380. https://cepa.info/5418

Richards L. (2014) Education as a subversive activity: A proposal. Kybernetes 43(9/10): 1392–1398. https://cepa.info/4758

Riegler A. & Steffe L. P. (2014) “What Is the Teacher Trying to Teach Students if They Are All Busy Constructing Their Own Private Worlds?”: Introduction to the Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 297–301. https://constructivist.info/9/3.297

Rossi P. G., Prenna V., Giannandrea L. & Magnoler P. (2013) Enactivism and didactics: Some research lines. Education Sciences & Society 4(1): 37–57. https://cepa.info/8779

Rovai A. P. (2003) A constructivist approach to online college learning. The Internet and Higher Education 7(2): 79–93. https://cepa.info/7821

Rumbaugh D. M. (2007) Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Contributions to the LANA Project. Constructivist Foundations 2(2-3): 29–31. https://constructivist.info/2/2-3.29

Russell T. & Osborne J. (1993) Constructivist research, curriculum development and practice in primary classrooms: Reflections on five years of activity in the science processes and concept exploration (SPACE) project. In: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, 1–4 August 1993Misconceptions Trust, Ithaca NY: **MISSING PAGES**. https://cepa.info/7249

Rutkowska J. C. (1990) Action, connectionism and enaction: A developmental perspective. AI & Society 4(2): 96–114. https://cepa.info/6203

Schroer S. A. (2021) Jakob von Uexküll: The concept of umwelt and its potentials for an anthropology beyond the human. Ethnos 86(1): 132–152. https://cepa.info/7959

Schuh K. L. & Kuo Y. L. (2015) Seeking construct validity grounded in constructivist epistemology: Development of the survey of contemporary learning environments. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 38(4): 388–412. https://cepa.info/7493

Scott B. & Bansal A. (2014) Learning about learning: A cybernetic model of skill acquisition. Kybernetes 43(9/10): 1399–1411. https://cepa.info/1283

Scott B. (2001) Conversation theory: A constructivist, dialogical approach to educational technology. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 8(4): 25–46. https://cepa.info/1803

Scott B. (2008) Working with Gordon Pask (1967–1978): Developing and applying conversation theory. In: Luppicini R. (ed.) Handbook of conversation design for instructionIdea Group, New York: 19–34. https://cepa.info/295

Scott B., Shurville S., MacLean P. & Cong C. (2007) Cybernetic principles for learning design. Kybernetes 36(9/10): 1497–1514. https://cepa.info/1796

Scott S. J. (2011) Contemplating a constructivist stance for active learning within music education. Arts Education Policy Review 112(4): 191–198. https://cepa.info/7486

Shapiro L. & Stolz S. A. (2019) Embodied cognition and its significance for education. Theory and Research in Education 17(1): 19–39. https://cepa.info/7980

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