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Non-dualism (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


Non-Dualism (or Non-Dualizing Philosophy) was suggested by Josef Mitterer (2011a, 2011b) as an alternative to both realistic and idealistic positions. It dispenses with the categorical distinction between description and reality beyond description, Instead, it suggests a new way of utilizing language without the assumption of categorically extralinguistic objects denoted by language.
^ Recommended literature
Mitterer J. (2013) “On Interpretation”. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 143–147. https://constructivist.info/8/2/143
Weber S. (2008) The Object of Description is the Description of the Object So Far: Non-dualism and Beyond. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 140–147. https://constructivist.info/3/3/140
^ Versions
Version 1, Alexander Riegler, 3 September 2018
^ References
(M2011a)  Mitterer J. (2011a) Das Jenseits der Philosophie. Wider das dualistische Erkenntnisprinzip [The beyond of philosophy. Against the dualistic principle of knowledge]. With a new preface for this edition. Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist. Originally published in 1992.
(M2011b)  Mitterer J. (2011b) Die Flucht aus der Beliebigkeit [The flight from contingency]. With a new afterword for this edition. Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist. Originally published in 2001.
Related publications (14)

Bitbol M. (2012) Neurophenomenology, an Ongoing Practice of/in Consciousness. Constructivist Foundations 7(3): 165–173. https://constructivist.info/7/3.165

Dellwing M. (2013) Josef Mitterer and the Philosopher’s Stone (Around His Neck). Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 253–258. https://constructivist.info/8/2.253

Egner H. (2017) Neither realism nor anti-realism: How to approach the anthropocene?. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 153–165. https://cepa.info/5351

Ene P. (2013) Descriptions as Distinctions. George Spencer Brown’s Calculus of Indications as a Basis for Mitterer’s Non-dualistic Descriptions. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 202–208. https://constructivist.info/8/2.202

Hoff J. M. (2022) Konstruktion von Verbindlichkeit: Radikaler Konstruktivismus und Fundamentaltheologie im Theoriekontakt. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. https://cepa.info/8918

Hoffjann O. (2017) Die Wahrheitsspieler. Strategische Kommunikation als Spiel. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 59–72. https://cepa.info/5346

Kletzl S. (2017) Who wants to be a non-dualist and why?. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 59–72. https://cepa.info/4242

Müller K. H. (2008) Non-dualistic? Radical Constructivist?. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 181–191. https://constructivist.info/3/3.181

Ofner F. (2008) Action and Discourse. Some Thoughts Concerning a Non-dualizing Conception of Experience. Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 148–152. https://constructivist.info/3/3.148

Ofner F. (2017) Wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen jenseits von Realismus, Relativismus und Konstruktivismus.. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 233–240. https://cepa.info/5350

Riegler A. & Weber S. (2013) Non-dualism: A New Understanding of Language. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 139-142. https://constructivist.info/8/2.139

Riegler A. & Weber S. (eds.) (2010) Die Dritte Philosophie. Kritische Beiträge zu Josef Mitterers Non-Dualismus [The third philosophy. Critical constributions to Josef Mitterer’s non-dualism]. Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist. https://cepa.info/373

Vörös S. (2014) The Uroboros of Consciousness: Between the Naturalisation of Phenomenology and the Phenomenologisation of Nature. Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 96–104. https://constructivist.info/10/1.96

Weiss M. G. (2013) Non-dualistic Sex. Josef Mitterer’s Non-dualistic Philosophy in the Light of Judith Butler’s (De)Constructivist Feminism. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 183-189. https://constructivist.info/8/2.183