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Process (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Wiese W. & Friston K. J. (2021) Examining the continuity between life and mind: Is there a continuity between autopoietic intentionality and representationality?. Philosophies 6(1): 18. https://cepa.info/7830

Williams D. (2018) Predictive minds and small-scale models: Kenneth Craik’s contribution to cognitive science. Philosophical Explorations 21(2): 245–263. https://cepa.info/5821

Windt J. M. (2018) Predictive brains, dreaming selves, sleeping bodies: How the analysis of dream movement can inform a theory of self- and world-simulation in dreams. Synthese 195(6): 2577–2625. https://cepa.info/5392

de Lange F. P., Heilbron M. & Kok P. (2018) How do expectations shape perception?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22(9): 764–779. https://cepa.info/5800