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Reflexive (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Related publications (15)

Dávila X. Y. (2011) Liberating Conversations. Constructivist Foundations 6(3): 381–387. https://constructivist.info/6/3.381

Kauffman L. H. (2009) Reflexivity and Eigenform: The Shape of Process. Constructivist Foundations 4(3): 121–137. https://constructivist.info/4/3.121

Kauffman L. H. (2016) Cybernetics, Reflexivity and Second-Order Science. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 489–497. https://constructivist.info/11/3.489

Kauffman L. H. (2017) Eigenform and Reflexivity. Constructivist Foundations 12(3): 246–252. https://constructivist.info/12/3.246

Kauffman L. H. (2017) Mathematical Work of Francisco Varela. Constructivist Foundations 13(1): 11–17. https://constructivist.info/13/1.11

Kauffman L. K. (2017) A concise approach to eigenform and reflexivity. Kybernetes 46(1): 1542–1554. https://cepa.info/4567

Krippendorff K. (2019) My scholarly life in cybernetics. World Futures 75(1–2): 69–91. https://cepa.info/6245

Lefebvre V. A. (1986) Second order cybernetics in the Soviet Union and the West. In: Trappl R. (ed.) Power, autonomy, utopia: New approaches toward complex systemsPlenum Press, New York NY: 123–131. https://cepa.info/5029

Lefebvre V. A. (2002) Second order cybernetics in the Soviet Union and the West. Reflexive Processes and Control 1(2): 83–90. https://cepa.info/5030

Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2016) Mapping the Varieties of Second-Order Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 443–454. https://constructivist.info/11/3.443

Müller K. H. (2015) The multiple faces of reflexive research designs. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 13(6): 87–98. https://cepa.info/2791

Palmer K. (2013) Special Systems Theory. Accepted for the Complex Adaptive Systems Conference of 2013 and 2014 but not be presented. https://cepa.info/2128

Petitmengin C. (2006) Describing one’s subjective experience in the second person: An interview method for a science of consciousness. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5(3): 229–269. https://cepa.info/2376

Thompson E. (2010) Self-No-Self? Memory and Reflexive Awareness. In: Siderits M., Thompson E. & Zahavi D. (eds.) Self, No-Self: Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian TraditionsOxford University Press,, Clarendon: 157. https://cepa.info/2349

Umpleby S. A. (2016) Vladimir Lefebvre’s theory of two systems of ethical cognition. Systemics. Cybernetics and Informatics 14(5): 65–67. https://cepa.info/8732