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Representation (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Myin E. & Hutto D. D. (2015) REC: Just radical enough. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 41(1): 61–71. https://cepa.info/9164

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Peeters A. & Segundo-Ortin M. (2019) Misplacing memories? An enactive approach to the virtual memory palace. Consciousness and Cognition 76(102834). https://cepa.info/6676

Peschl M. F. (1992) Construction, representation, and the embodiment of knowledge, meaning, and symbols in neural structures: Towards an alternative understanding of knowledge representation and philosophy of science. Connection Science 4(3–4): 327–338. https://cepa.info/4748

Peschl M. F. (1997) The representational relation between environmental structures and neural systems: Autonomy and environmental dependency in neural knowledge representation. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology. and Life Sciences 1(2): 99–121. https://cepa.info/4749

Peschl M. F. (2001) Constructivism, cognition, and science: An investigation of its links and possible shortcomings. Special Issue “The Impact of Radical Constructivism on Science” edited by Alexander Riegler. Foundations of Science 6(1–3): 125–161. https://cepa.info/3635

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Pezzulo G. (2008) Coordinating with the future: The anticipatory nature of representation. Minds & Machines 18: 179–225. https://cepa.info/7537

Prem E. (1998) The role of anticipation in adaptive embodied autonomous systems. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 437: 344–353. https://cepa.info/7740

Raleigh T. (2018) Tolerant enactivist cognitive science. Philosophical Explorations 21(2): 226–244. https://cepa.info/5677

Ramsey W. M. (2017) Must cognition be representational?. Synthese 194(11): 4197–4214. https://cepa.info/5605

Ramstead M. J. D., Kirchhoff M. D. & Friston K. J. (2020) A tale of two densities: Active inference is enactive inference. Adaptive Behavior 28(4): 225–239. https://cepa.info/6101

Riegler A. (2002) When is a cognitive system embodied?. Cognitive Systems Research 3(3): 339–348. https://cepa.info/1862

Rowlands M. (2007) Understanding the “active” in “enactive”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6(4): 427–443. https://cepa.info/6934

Rowlands M. J. (2007) Understanding the “active” in “enactive”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6(4): 427–443. https://cepa.info/5059

Rupert R. D. (2018) Representation and mental representation. Philosophical Explorations 21(2): 204–225. https://cepa.info/5839

Sanches de Oliveira G. (2021) Representationalism is a dead end. Synthese 198: 209–235. https://cepa.info/8607

Sanches de Oliveira G., Raja V. & Chemero A. (2021) Radical embodied cognitive science and “Real Cognition”. Synthese 198(S1): 115–136. https://cepa.info/7979

Schlicht T. & Starzak T. (2021) Prospects of enactivist approaches to intentionality and cognition. Synthese 198(1): 89–113. https://cepa.info/7374

Sebastian M. A. (2018) Embodied appearance properties and subjectivity. Adaptive Behavior 26(5): 199–210. https://cepa.info/5804

Segundo-Ortin M. & Hutto D. D. (2021) Similarity-based cognition: radical enactivism meets cognitive neuroscience. Synthese 198(Suppl 1): 5–23. https://cepa.info/6560

Smith B. H. (2022) Antirepresentationalism before and after Rorty. Common Knowledge 28(3): 424–442. https://cepa.info/8635

Sprevak M. (2010) Computation, individuation, and the received view of representation. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 41: 260–270. https://cepa.info/3919

Sridharan V. (2015) Beyond consensual domains: Enactivism, social representations and third-order unities. Culture & Psychology 21(2): 259–275. https://cepa.info/6125

Steiner P. (2014) Enacting anti-representationalism: The scope and the limits of enactive critiques of representationalism. Avant 2014(2): 43–86. https://cepa.info/5838

Steiner P. (2021) Steering a middle course between intentionality and representation: Some remarks about John Stewart’s enactive stance. Adaptive Behavior: online first. https://cepa.info/7191

Steiner P. (2023) The structure of intentionality: insights and challenges for enactivism. Inquiry Online first. https://cepa.info/9052

Stewart J. (1995) The implications for understanding high-level cognition of a grounding in elementary adaptive systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16(2–4): 107–116. https://cepa.info/9168

Travis C. (2004) The silence of the senses. Mind 113(449): 57–94. https://cepa.info/4767

Vallee-Tourangeau G. & Vallee-Tourangeau F. (2014) The Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Systemic Thinking. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 21(1–2): 113–127. https://cepa.info/3527

Van Dijk L., Withagen R. & Bongers R. M. (2015) Information without content: A Gibsonian reply to enactivist’s worries. Cognition 134: 210–214. https://cepa.info/5607

Varela F. J. (1986) Experimental epistemology: Background and future. Cahiers du Centre de Recherche, Epistemologie et Autonomie (CREA) 9: 107–121. https://cepa.info/1919

Verheggen T. & Baerveldt C. (2007) We don’t share! The social representation approach, enactivism and the ground for an intrinsically social Psychology. Culture & Psychology 13(1): 5–27. https://cepa.info/6127

Verheggen T. & Baerveldt C. (2012) Mixed up perspectives: Reply to Chryssides et al. and Daanen and their critique of enactive cultural psychology. Culture & Psychology 18(2): 272–284. https://cepa.info/6128

Villalobos M. & Dewhurst J. (2016) Cognición, computación y sistemas dinámicos: Vías para una posible integración teórica [Cognition, computing and dynamic systems: Possible ways of theoretical integration]. Límite. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Filosofía y Psicología 11(36): 20–31. https://cepa.info/7534

Villalobos M. & Dewhurst J. (2017) Why post-cognitivism does not (necessarily) entail anti-computationalism. Adaptive Behavior 25(3): 117–128. https://cepa.info/5564

Vörös S., Froese T. & Riegler A. (2016) Epistemological Odyssey: Introduction to Special Issue on the Diversity of Enactivism and Neurophenomenology. Constructivist Foundations 11(2): 189–204. https://constructivist.info/11/2.189

Walmsley L. D. (2017) Please explain: Radical enactivism and its explanatory debt. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science SocietyCognitive Science Society, Austin TX: 1313–1318. https://cepa.info/5794

Weser V. U. & Proffitt D. R. (2021) Expertise in tool use promotes tool embodiment. Topics in Cognitive Science 13(4): 597–609. https://cepa.info/7983

Wheeler M. (2017) The revolution will not be optimised: Radical enactivism, extended functionalism and the extensive mind. Topoi 36(3): 457–472. https://cepa.info/4689

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