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Second-order-cybernetics (Constructivist Encyclopedia)

Second-order Cybernetics

This encyclopedia entry is in preparation.

Related publications (46)

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Herr C. M. (2015) The big picture: Connecting design, second order cybernetics and radical constructivism. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 107–114. https://cepa.info/2468

Jones J. (2005) The Cybersemiotic Roots Of Computation: A Critique of the Computational Model of Cognition. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 12(3): 7–29. https://cepa.info/3289

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Letiche H. (2017) Researcher reflexivity: What it is and what it can be. Kybernetes 46(9): 1555–1563. https://cepa.info/4652

Martin R. J. (2015) Second-Order cybernetics, Radical Constructivism, and the Biology of Cognition: Paradigms Struggling to Bring About Change. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 169–182. https://cepa.info/2467

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Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2016) Mapping the Varieties of Second-Order Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 443–454. https://constructivist.info/11/3.443

Müller K. H. (2015) De profundis. Ranulph Glanville’s transcendental framework for second-order cybernetics. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2/3): 27–47. https://cepa.info/2699

Pangaro P. (2016) Why Do We Want To Live In Cybernetics?. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(2): 9–21. https://cepa.info/3318

Pangaro P. (2017) Questions for conversation theory or conversation theory in one hour. Kybernetes 46(9): 1578–1587. https://cepa.info/5179

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Scholte T. (2020) A proposal for the role of the arts in a new phase of second-order cybernetics. Kybernetes 49(8): 2153–2170. https://cepa.info/6795

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Scott B. & Bansal A. (2014) Learning about learning: A cybernetic model of skill acquisition. Kybernetes 43(9/10): 1399–1411. https://cepa.info/1283

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Scott B. (2015) Putting flesh on the bones: Ranulph Glanville’s contributions to Conversation Theory. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(2–3): 59–71. https://cepa.info/3510

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Umpleby S. A. (1992) Strategies for winning acceptance of second order cybernetics. In: Lasker G. E. (ed.) Advances in Human Systems and Information TechnologiesInternational Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Windsor Canada: 97–196. https://cepa.info/1874

Umpleby S. A. (2016) Reviving the American Society for Cybernetics, 1980-1982. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 23(1): 19–27. https://cepa.info/2837

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