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Social (Constructivist Encyclopedia)


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Froese T. & Di Paolo E. (2011) The enactive approach: Theoretical sketches from cell to society. Pragmatics and Cognition 19(1): 1–36. https://cepa.info/2367

Froese T. & Di Paolo E. A. (2009) Sociality and the life–mind continuity thesis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8(4): 439–463. https://cepa.info/4460

Froese T. & Fuchs T. (2012) The extended body: A case study in the neurophenomenology of social interaction. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11: 205–235. https://cepa.info/2389

Froese T. & Gallagher S. (2012) Getting interaction theory (IT) together: Integrating developmental, phenomenological, enactive, and dynamical approaches to social interaction. Interaction Studies 13(3): 436–468. https://cepa.info/2368

Fuchs C. (2005) The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 12(3): 37–81. https://cepa.info/3358

Gadenne V. (2017) Ist der Konstruktivismus selbstwidersprüchlich. In: Kanzian C., Kletzl S., Mitterer J. & Neges K. (eds.) Realism – relativism – constructivismDe Gruyter, Berlin: 31–43. https://cepa.info/4201

Gallagher S. & Allen M. (2018) Active inference, enactivism and the hermeneutics of social cognition. Synthese 195(6): 2627–2648. https://cepa.info/4222

Gallagher S. & Miyahara K. (2012) Neo-pragmatism and enactive intentionality. In: Schulkin J. (ed.) Action, perception and the brain: Adaptation and cephalic expressionPalgrave Macmillan, London: 117–146. https://cepa.info/7355

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Gash H. & Murphy-Lejeune E. (2005) Children's perceptions of other cultures. In: Deegan J., Devine D. & Lodge A. (eds.) Primary voices: Equality diversity and childhood in irish primary schoolsInstitute of Public Administration, Dublin Ireland: 205–221. https://cepa.info/2933

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Gash H., Romeu N. I. & Pina J. A. L. (2004) Spanish and Irish images of special needs: Perceptions of inclusion. In: Walsh P. N. & Gash H. (eds.) Lives and Times: Practice Policy and People with disabilityWordwell, Dublin: 180–223. https://cepa.info/2911

Gergen K. (2014) Social constructionism. In: Teo T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of critical psychologySpringer, New York: 1772–1776. https://cepa.info/7082

Geyer F. (2002) The march of self-reference. Kybernetes 31(7/8): 1021–1042. https://cepa.info/4707

Gillett E. (1998) Relativism and the social constructivist paradigm. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 5: 37–48. https://cepa.info/3750

Glasersfeld E. von (2000) Problems of constructivism. In: Steffe L. P. & Thompson P. W. (eds.) Radical constructivism in action: Building on the pioneering work of Ernst von GlasersfeldRoutledge/Falmer, London: 3–9. https://cepa.info/1520

Goldspink C. & Kay R. (2004) Bridging the micro–macro divide: A new basis for social science. Human Relations 57(5): 597–618. https://cepa.info/6263

Goldstein B. (2021) Materialism and Selection Bias: Political Psychology from a Radical Constructivist Perspective. Constructivist Foundations 16(3): 327–338. https://constructivist.info/16/3.327

Głażewski M. (2011) Socjalizacja i edukacja w teorii systemów autopojetycznych Niklasa Luhmanna. Forum Socjologiczne 2: 141–166. https://cepa.info/8658

Halsall F. (2012) Niklas Luhmann and the body. The New Bioethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body 18(1): 4–20. https://cepa.info/4751

Halsema A. (2020) Becoming an embodied social self capable of relating to norms: Ricoeur’s narrative identity reconsidered in the light of enactivism. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 28(1): 121–142. https://cepa.info/7794

Heimstadt M. (2015) Societal Self-observation in the Time of Datafication: Interfunctional Analysis of the Chilean Open Data Web Portal. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 22(4): 57–73. https://cepa.info/3385

Hejl P. M. (2011) The Individual in Radical Constructivism. Some Critical Remarks from an Evolutionary Perspective. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 227–234. https://constructivist.info/6/2.227

Hennig C. (2010) Mathematical models and reality: A constructivist perspective. Foundations of Science 15(1): 29–48. https://cepa.info/363

Hepp A. & Hasebrink U. (2017) Kommunikative Figurationen: Ein konzeptioneller Rahmen zur Erforschung kommunikativer Konstruktionsprozesse in Zeiten tiefgreifender Mediatisierung. M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 65(2): 330–347. https://cepa.info/6017

Herschbach M. (2012) On the role of social interaction in social cognition: A mechanistic alternative to enactivism. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11(4): 467–486. https://cepa.info/5834

Herting S. & Stein L. (2007) The evolution of Luhmann’s systems theory with focus on the constructivist influence. International Journal of General Systems 36(1): 1–17. https://cepa.info/3668

Hjorth A. & Wilensky U. (2014) Redesigning your city: A constructionist environment for urban planning education. Informatics in Education 13(2): 197–208. https://cepa.info/3664

Hoemann K., Xu F. & Barrett L. (2019) Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental Psychology 55: 1830–1849. https://cepa.info/6390

Honkela T. (2005) Von Foerster meets Kohonen: Approaches to artificial intelligence, cognitive science and information systems development. Kybernetes 34(1/2): 40–53. https://cepa.info/5169

Izmirli I. M. (2014) Wittengstein’s language games and forms of life from a social constructivist point of view. American Journal of Educational Research 2(5): 291–298. https://cepa.info/2949

Jurgens A. & Kirchhoff M. D. (2019) Enactive social cognition: Diachronic constitution & coupled anticipation. Consciousness and Cognition 70: 1–10. https://cepa.info/5857

Karafillidis A. (2013) Comment: Socializing a Calculus: The Emergence of a Theory of Social Forms and a. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20(3–4): 108–141. https://cepa.info/3447

Karstadt L., Thomas K. R. & Abed S. N. (2016) The early acquisition of viable knowledge: A use of recursive model as an analytical devise (methodolosocial). Nurse Education Today 36: 242–248. https://cepa.info/8033

Kawade Y. (2009) On the nature of the subjectivity of living things. Biosemiotics 2(2): 205–220. https://cepa.info/3091

Kemp W. (2022) “Lügenpresse”, “alternative Fakten” und die epistemologische Naivität des sozialen Konstruktivismus [“Lying press”. cultura & psyché, 1–11. https://cepa.info/7825

Kenny V. (1992) On the subject of autopoiesis and its boundaries: Does the subject matter?. International Journal of General Systems 21(2): 187–196. https://cepa.info/2796

Kenny V. (2011) Continuous Dialogues. Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Answers to a Wide Variety of Questioners on the Oikos Web Site 1997–2010. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 204–212. https://constructivist.info/6/2.204

Kesselring T. & Müller U. (2011) The concept of egocentrism in the context of Piaget’s theory. New Ideas in Psychology 29: 327–345. https://cepa.info/2775

Khalifa K. (2010) Social constructivism and the aims of science. Social Epistemology 24(1): 45–61. https://cepa.info/3790

Kieren T. E. (2000) Dichotomies or binoculars: Reflections on the papers by Steffe and Thompson and by Lerman. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 31(2): 228–233. https://cepa.info/8893

Klassen A. (2018) Social constructionism and relativism: An aporia?. Dialogue 57: 303–321. https://cepa.info/5551

Klenk M. (2013) Comment: The Form of Expectation Considerations on Social Structure. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 20(3–4): 173–187. https://cepa.info/3543

Krippendorff K. (1996) A second-order cybernetics of otherness. Systems Research 13(3): 311–328. https://cepa.info/4817

Krippendorff K. (2023) A Critical Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 19(1): 82–93. https://constructivist.info/19/1.82

Krueger J. (2021) Enactivism, other minds, and mental disorders. Synthese 198: 365–389. https://cepa.info/6575

Kynigos C. (2015) Designing Constructionist E-Books: New Mediations for Creative Mathematical Thinking?. Constructivist Foundations 10(3): 305–313. https://constructivist.info/10/3.305

Lenartowicz M. (2015) The nature of the university. Higher Education 69(6): 947–961. https://cepa.info/2619

Lenartowicz M., Weinbaum D. & Braathen P. (2016) The individuation of social systems: A cognitive framework. Procedia Computer Science 88: 15–20. https://cepa.info/4759

Lepskiy V. (2018) Evolution of cybernetics: Philosophical and methodological analysis. Kybernetes 47(2): 249–261. https://cepa.info/4649

Luchkina E. & Xu F. (2022) From social contingency to verbal reference: A constructivist hypothesis. Psychological Review 129(4): 890–909. https://cepa.info/9036

Luhmann N. (1982) The world society as a social system. International Journal of General Systems 8(3): 131–138. https://cepa.info/2814

Luhmann N. (1989) Law as a social system. Northwestern University Law Review 83: 136–150. https://cepa.info/2997

Luhmann N. (2006) System as difference. Organization 13(1): 37–57. https://cepa.info/2735

Lünenborg M. (2017) Von Mediengattungen zu kontingenten Hybriden: Konstruktivistische und performativitätstheoretische Perspektiven für die Journalistik. M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 65(2): 367–384. https://cepa.info/6019

Mackay N. (2003) On “Just Not Getting It”: A Reply to McNamee and to Raskin and Neimeyer. Theory & Psychology 13(3): 411–419. https://cepa.info/8371

Marin L. (2022) Enactive principles for an ethics of social media user interactions: How to overcome systematic misunderstandings through shared meaning-making. Topoi, Online first. https://cepa.info/7700

Meyer R. & Brancazio N. (2022) Putting down the revolt: Enactivism as a philosophy of nature. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 948733. https://cepa.info/8401

Mingers J. (1989) An Introduction to Autopoiesis – Implications and Applications. Systems Practice 2(2): 159–180. https://cepa.info/2730

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Métais F. & Villalobos M. (2022) Levinas’ otherness: An ethical dimension for enactive sociality. Topoi 41(2): 327–339. https://cepa.info/7695

Müller K. H. (2008) Methodologizing Radical Constructivism. Recipes for RC-Designs in the Social Sciences. Constructivist Foundations 4(1): 50–61. https://constructivist.info/4/1.50

Neimeyer R. A. & Torres C. (2015) Constructivism and constructionism: Methodology. In: Wright J. D. (ed.) International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. Second edition. Volume 4Elsevier, Amsterdam: 724–728. https://cepa.info/5875

Neimeyer R. A. & Winter D. A. (2015) Constructivist theory and psychotherapy. In: Wright J. D. (ed.) International encyclopedia of the social & sciences. Second edition. Volume 4Elsevier, Amsterdam: 729–732. https://cepa.info/5867

Noe E. & Alrøe H. F. (2006) Combining Luhmann and Actor-Network Theory to See Farm Enterprises as Self-organizing Systems. Cybernetics & Human Knowing 13(1): 34–48. https://cepa.info/3360

North A. (2016) A Millennial Mistake: Three Arguments Against Radical Social Constructivism. Journal of Counseling & Development 94(1): 114–122. https://cepa.info/5415

Ostrom C. S., Martin W. J. & Zacharakis J. (2008) Autopoiesis and the cosmology of postmodern adult education. Adult Education Quarterly 58(4): 299–317. https://cepa.info/6264

Palmaru R. (2012) Making Sense and Meaning: On the Role of Communication and Culture in the Reproduction of Social Systems. Constructivist Foundations 8(1): 63-75. https://constructivist.info/8/1.63

Palmer K. (2013) Special Systems Theory. Accepted for the Complex Adaptive Systems Conference of 2013 and 2014 but not be presented. https://cepa.info/2128

Paris S. G. & Byrnes J. P. (1989) The constructivist approach to self-regulation and learning in the classroom. In: Zimmerman B. J. & Schunk D. (eds.) Self-regulated learning and academic theory, research, and practiceSpringer-Verlag, New York: 169–199. https://cepa.info/7706

Porr B. & Di Prodi P. (2014) Subsystem Formation Driven by Double Contingency. Constructivist Foundations 9(2): 199–211. https://constructivist.info/9/2.199

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Pouw W. T. J. L. & de Jong H. L. (2015) Rethinking situated and embodied social psychology. Theory & Psychology 25(4): 411–433. https://cepa.info/6121

Praetorius N. (2003) Inconsistences in the assumptions of constructivism and naturalism. Theory & Psychology 13(4): 511–539. https://cepa.info/5397

Radosavljevic M. (2008) Autopoiesis vs. social autopoiesis: Critical evaluation and implications for understanding firms as autopoietic social systems. International Journal of General Systems 37(2): 215–230. https://cepa.info/3963

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Raskin J. D. & Neimeyer R. A. (2003) Coherent constructivism: A response to Mackay. Theory & Psychology 13(3): 397–409. https://cepa.info/5375

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Reid D. A. (2014) The coherence of enactivism and mathematics education research: A case study. Avant 5(2): 137–172. https://cepa.info/7105

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